'_' 02 Offers to implement your experience with the FFPT Content


Dear student>partner, this is the follow-up of the
http://empower.think-systems.ch/i-gps/email/01_ffpt.htm in which you have
learnt how to apply the Five Finger Presentation Technique FFPT Cool

And here is the context with your options to get practical with the 3-step
http://applied.think-systems.ch/offer.htm to get practical about the last
phase in internalizing OPTION II, after you faced making the FFPT-Content
reproducible, like everything memorable, within next 2 Days - the making
decisions about it to practice what you have learnt, here by introducing the
FFPT-Meaning in the still ongoing 2 Weeks to at least one person a day. Please
understand now that this requires you to improve your skill to explain your
own insights and decisions to those affected for the next 2 Month, then they
usually respect a persons applied Option II...

Be prepared to get the next step within a week - homework done...
Feedback to
pm//think-systems.ch is welcome.


Sincerely Dr. Peter Meier, Zürich (Switzerland), 0041-44-432-89-59