Synergy between Business and Life Fulfillment
To dare is to loose one’s footing momentarily, not to dare is to loose oneself.
Soren Kierkegaard, Danish Philosopher

Dr. Peter Meier
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Swissgerman: Diese Site richtet sich an Menschen guten Willens, in ihrer Umwelt ihr Leben an erstrebenswert weiter führenden Aufgaben zu erfüllen. Sollten Sie nicht genug Englisch können, geben Sie diesen Link bitte weiter, machen SIE selbst das Beste daraus.

Option_i sucks you into the zeitgeist, OPTION II empowers you for your tasks:

In getting all-in to the Empower Network  I got empowered to write the following sites to outline my experiences and insights. To handle yours you might find a useful tool to organizes your day. So here are my motivations to be all-in:

The OPTION I wussy world exclusively strives for business via mass-attractivity and pre-trans-traps people by clashing with their life- through task-fulfillment - until it crashes over this, like all empires so far. Now the future of capitalism is at stake.

In 1979, I therefore switched from physics under OPTION I, to creating Applied Personal Science APS®, in  order to open up OPTION II  for life-fulfillment.

In 2006 David Wood had the insight that there is still so much loving abundance on Earth not to have to get and remain stuck in suffering for the rest of life.

In the meantime APS has become fully operational, and David Wood's Empower Network opens up to the flawless, breakthrough marketing; open for OPTION II which is the ultimate test for any business with a desirable future!

Here you can become part of a LifeFulfilling Platform and a bridge between business and life, instead of getting lost in the OPTION I world. The first and necessary step for YOU is to learn to make use of the Empower Network, then you may cross the bridge with the necessary resources and money towards YOUR personally relevant life- through task fulfillment.

If within 10 month 40'000 people in 170 countries made the 1st step to a low cost interface, with the option for a fast self-financing flawless update, YOU can join too. I care for you with the full experience of what taking this unique opportunity entails. Find out all you need via, my prime landing and blogging site.

Be aware, the update of your mental operating system is up and running already up to the most rewarding experience of your life, so make the 1st easy step yourself...

PS. Bye bye wussy world; I got in touch with Dave Wood on Saturday morning June 23, 2012, designed the synthesis present here till the following Wednesday morning, installed his full business system all-in, adapted it to fulfill my substance on it as a LifeFulfilling Platform. And on Wednesday afternoon the marketing rolled on across the bridge to 100% commission and transfer rates of around 30%! YES - find out for yourself now, YOU can do it too...


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