Personal Growth and Work-Life Balance

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This is about the results of unstoppable innovation with integrity, with the freedom for live- through task-fulfillment - not just for dreams!!!

Why do we all want to grow that way? For the 12 pleasures of inner awakening:

  1. An increased tendency to let things happen from inside out rather than force them

  2. Frequent attacks of smiling as an expression of inner fulfillment from success [mp3-audio, 14:54 minutes]...

  3. Feeling of being connected with others and nature
    You begin to understand, that G5-live and living holds us together even under OPTION I, and that the a-intuition (the ultimate battler ground between God and the Devil and where people pretend to be experts) on the Mental-Navi© connects you on the level of lifefulfillment in a way, with what makes you learn and grow from everything you encounter. And in that regards you are on a smooth fast track through your interface on the EMPOWER NETWORK once you are all-in.

  4. Frequent overwhelming episodes of appreciation
    In being open and looking for something that you can add value to, you can deal with the fact that it takes time to get through all of the pieces of content, say here with Empower Network. And you have leant to make it your strategy to go through one at a time, implement what you have learned and move on to the next. Then you begin to feel that each piece builds on the previous webinar. And then you appreciate that there is a LOT of info out there that you  had NO idea about and the it will all move your forward.

  5. A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fears based on past experience

  6. An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment

  7. A loss of ability to worry

  8. A loss of interest in conflict

  9. A loss of interest in interpreting the actions of others

  10. A loss of interest in judging others

  11. A loss of interest in judging self

  12. Gaining the ability to love without expecting anything

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