My Conclusion about the Empower Network (EN)
Dr. Peter Meier, [SWISS-GERMAN]

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Keep Analyzing YOUR Performance in a worthwhile way

Here I share my way with the think-systems applied for among others adapting the Empower Network, indicating the relevant parameters that do justice to the way I fulfill my tasks and thereby my life - when you are in, you can ask me for your parameters:

P(T): In Promoting EN (Empower Network), I apply myself with my X-substance (latter to be revealed as 9Pp) in its scenario (first a seeming T=Trap). and work out what is essential for me and how I can then get attention and rise interest for the possible breakthrough of empowering people's dreams usually beyond their expectations...

K(C): Then I took K=control of EN's at first seeming limitations of its inessential parts free for adaptation, in view of getting a rapport with people of good willed beyond getting stuck in their C=Clash with its real and seeming stumbling blocks and OPTION I prejudices:



pre-confining others so their trans-intensions can be trapped and then clashed beyond recognition and effectivness...

By having overcome those corner stones myself I can bee of service to you to find your corner stones, that lead you to get "all-in" too allowing lifefulfilling synergy between us.

S-p: By p=distancing myself from necessary but inessential forms, which formal OPTION I wussies/intellectuals consider p=preceding their culture and therefore consider such a point of view not socially compatible, I can Support the essential growth of people with good will. In this way you may benefit from EN as an affiliate leader with an all encompassing perspective beyond OPTION I business, WITH OPTION II towards YOUR lifefulfillment.


A-t: Analyzing what is successfully lifefulfilling, reveals the path to go along the corner stones together; not limited by the still common OPTION I wussie-organizations! They always end up pre-trans-trapping real people in a self-destructive clash! They put their common trap on top of real people, and then equally mob what preceeds their inessential formal cult, as well as what would in time t=transcend there otherwise threatening crash. Beware, we live in a time where such pre- trans-traps snap at more and more people! That is why we use to reframe our cooperation with OPTION II on a LifeFulfilling Platform, which we are ready to create beyond the OPTION I world, out of our personally relevant, individual best X-self.

1Kd-public: The time has come to make OPTION II operational with X-personally relevant corner stones and resources to go beyond stumbling blocks for real people with eyes to see and ears to hear with their unique X-substance. Along that path we proceed and proper, no matter what, in spite of the mass of wussies which duplicate what does not work simply because they can thus cultivate the vain hope to become mass-attractive too. So to allow making use of OPTION II, in 1979, I began to design a synergy enhancing system for desirable K=creativity by empowering life- through task fulfillment. The beauty of Empower Network it that it allows the necessary part time money creation without getting trapped in it, for it is utmost efficient as you will find out studying its non-wussy concepts and apply it YOUR lifefulfilling way, applying YOUR X-substance!  

3D6-personal: In this context, based on results, I reserve myself the D=Definition power of what is a 6=very good measure stick for a personally relevant cooperation towards synergy.

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