Dr. Peter Meier, [SWISS-GERMAN]
Consider a personal identification of your X-substance and the parameter by which you cannot just become all-in with your vision to get not just the money you want. Then you should be free to fulfill your full potential and coming to a conclusion about how to make use of OPTION II. Then you can reframe your interface to Empower Network, so you can build your LifeFulfilling Platform with all the power you really need.
With my App below, I
When applied with my X-substance, I get my think-system as my mental operating system, sufficiently empowered. Then, in my task fulfillment I am always ready to use OPTION II with my Mental-NaviŠ (gation) Apps (left) based on the proper parameters of my X-lifefulfilling principle. In short you are now informed about the everywhere else missing synthesis between life and business. It was made publically available, fully operational, June 28, 2012; after its foundation and verification in different walks of life and cultures starting in 1979 in Switzerland. Fact is, to market it, it need the best marketing method; the Empower Network! What works for me with my X-based parameters, works for you, with your parameters. Let me know when you are all-in with the Empower Network then we identify your X in order that I can send to you as your App with your parameter and an instruction how to use it. As a rule of thumb, people develop the above list from bottom to top, at first in 5 years intervals; look to children or back to your own uprising. Imaging we would have got all the corresponding understanding in the first four phases up to getting to the age of 20; ready to begin relating to the B1-belief (25) in view of the B2-breakthrough (30) to one's own B3-path (35) and how to deal with the then experienced B4-truth (40) in one's task- towards B5-lifefulfillment (45-50)! So even if you get this understanding at a late age, after having seemingly messed up some of your life and are still stuck in its early phases, you get a chance to catch up. To get there too at your age, I recommend you to get the experience with the standard set up of the Empower Network. This then triggers your innate desires to adapt it to you needs. That is something you can easily share with me and only the is sufficient for me to identify your X, the entry to work out your Apps and then for you to make optimal use of it. Getting 100% commission on sales of what you have bought for your business training with the flawless Empower Network business system, you will make the money for what you really want out of life and for further resources and understanding how to go about your work-life balance. Your Mental-NaviŠ gives you the corner stones (§1-L3) and the stumbling blocks which side-track you back into the wussie_i world, like your GPS navigates you on the optional path to your goal, avoiding one way streets and dead ends. Please check the concise version to in terms of your phases of life - with love... wussy make you think you need at least a part time in their world to get some status. It is the OPTION I thinking catastrophe which make people attach status to others before they can begin to experience even their own worth. Few seem to be able to use OPTION II to understand a person's intrinsic value, potential and purpose. And unless a generally accepted external label is applied to a person, wussy cannot attribute any value to self, him or her. That is why when the Nazi withdrew any positive label from the Jews, there was a consensus among the wussies - you know to what end! This attitude is the mother of all prejudice and that is why you are not alone in getting a value in the wussy world, that give no real meaning to your best self as it does not determine and allow any of your best outcome. Thus the Option_i leads to compromises and lies and they are meanwhile so pervasively cultivated! Infected wussies have no idea what they cause with it and what is going on around them, because they have made themselves quite comfortable with the lie - glad to be all-in, the "people of the lie", as M. Scott Pecks book with that title points out.
Together with the
context of applying the Mental-NaviŠ 4u (for you, yourself), you have all
her all it needs to make up your mind
about OPTION I and OPTION II... PS. I can guarantee you, provided you are no wussie, that you will profit from filling in the questionnaire for your personal identification; you will then get an offer from me for what you need.
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