The OPTION I world supports 3 out of 4 think-, as mental operating systems (MOS); wussies under OPTION I, trapped, are unconscious in their MOS1-3 in terms of mass-attractive philosophies (MOS1, topics-tools-systems as power amplifiers (MOS2), and in %-politics (MOS3). They are actually 1) engulfed in an ?0-illusionary ideology convincing their *3-ego survival reaction thereby herding them up towards forming the ZG-zeitgeist as the mono-political spirit of the time, e.g. in the media-democracies of the west in the name of freedom of (manipulating) opinions, under a party-controlled ideology, or under that of a dictator, they are without any option beyond having to compete in 2) a social Darwinian rat race, where people are pressed to aim for +2 lust of more of the same, while trying to avoid the -4 consequences and any stress for getting what they want, in the money driven market economy. There live reduces to 3) trying to make a career by setting a mass-attractive example for %1-political correctness in order to %5-manipulate it for one's *3-hidden agenda with a %6-projection of an ?0-ideology, so the its added values appear to be for the common good... These are the 8 stumbling blocks of which the Mental-NaviŠ warns you when the reactions to them come up as "little voices" in your head! The in fact struggle to master YOU. There common denominator is that they suggest you have no talent beyond them which would allow you to step outside them rather than being their match ball. In fact only by understanding your substance in terms of its 16 corner stones of your lifefulfillment using OPTION II, can those these ghosts be banned once and for all - a terrible though for the wussy world! So the topic is dealt with the outmost %1-pussy foot care in the imagined trading zone between OPTION I and OPTION II - where the devil sits as the master of MOS1:
And that is why wussy caught in MOS2 might say: "If I have earned my first million, I shall consider this if you can show me how to earn the next one with it!" And you know what, people with this attitude will never have time for what is essential even if they get their million! Caught in MOS1, wussy will fight you with all their impressive means, as Herodias did when he heard of Jesus' birth and later on the Pharisees. Those in power with MOS3 will challenge you to get more votes, fame and power than they have and measure you on that %-"demo-crazy" scale. With MOS4 we learn to no longer pussy foot around the issue at stake by no longer just trying based on inadequate MOS1-3 know-how but by 4) understanding the lifefulfilling principle as the corner stones that lead you beyond the stumbling block and to refer to them with powerful mnemonics to make them operational, This allows a B2-breaktrough beyond OPTION I, on one's personally relevant B3-path which in B4-truth leads to B5-life- through task fulfillment. What you have to muster is a sufficient B1-belief beyond the MOS1-3 ideas, measures and values, in order to get in touch with OPTION II, with your X-substance and its 16 essential resources. Then you are ready to maintain your §1-right to express who you are towards your §2-purpose of life! And that uncorrupted by %1! The proof is the §3-integrity, you can then maintain uncorrupted by %5, in a §0-sustainable way, beyond %6. At this point, wussy freak out in view of these mnemonics, afraid, that the substantial power they point to would blow their other-determined MOS1-3 to deprive them of their in vain hope for return on investment! And so they run away from OPTION II, headless towards the latest update of OPTION I MOS1-3 and call anyone who doesn't follow them, "too much in the head" and so on.... So after this first insight into MOS4, when you have made up your mind to get the necessary experience with the Empower Network, and have realized that fulfilling progress is more than just feeling good in your MOS2, luring other in with your updated MOS1 to being able to instrumentalize them with a more politically powerful MOS2, then the time has come for you to learn to make full use of your personal Mental-NaviŠ. You then get the practical side of the fact that each of us IS a Life Fulfillment Principle which sets each of us free from all the formulae by which the OPTION I world tries to instrumentalize people. Only understanding who YOU are can set YOU free to fulfill your life and tune in to the best opportunities, such as the Empower Network as it happened to myself! And this encounter has made me work out this site at this stage only since merely 15 days!