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Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
My sites convey personally meaningful content 4U, not mere mass-attractive forms; please STUDY - DO - EXPERIENCE - LEARN, also the context, not prejudices from a quick glance in view of what other might think read more >>


The real Power of LOVE

This is the time for me, 2012, 68 years old, for a ruthless account of my position in my life to find out how to fulfill the rest of it in this world heavily under the spell of OPTION I. In 1979 I perceived the increasingly stressful discrepancy between the incredible scientific, objective progress, and the retarded inner development of more and more people. That has challenged me to pro-actively develop Applied Personal Science APS®. In the outer world I became aware of the shift away from what I was beginning. In 1986 even Switzerland shifted towards OPTION I, not to mention the rest of the world, still in the Cold War, and me still in the reserve of the Swiss Army. So I went into exile to Australia, giving myself in to my B5-life, so I could X-be, cutting ties to the misled world I got stuck in its value reversal. In fact, 700 years after the foundation of old Switzerland, in 1991, the Swiss intellectuals claimed "700 years is enough", and began to undermine the substance that has made Switzerland since then, the most lifefulfilling, but far from perfect country on Earth. The Swiss Federation stepped back from war making in 1515, having learned the lesson of bloody history, while the surrounding Europe went on making war till 1945 in its outmost horrid history which almost destroyed the whole world. By the end of 1987 I realized that Australia has also gave in to (in terms of what I have identified since) - OPTION I. So I went back to Switzerland to where Diane followed me from Australia to become my second wife at the end of 1988. And here is the innate structure of my life so far, just based on X=9Pp and the laws of lifefulfillment:


      §1 §2 §3 §0   B1 B2 B3 B4 B5   H1 H2 H3 H4 L1 ethical scale - mental spine
h   y   c   M     f    S   p    I   X     v    t   R   a   b  my challenged inner resources 
       5  10 15 20    25  30 35 40 45    50 55 60 65 70 years old

-1949  54 59 64    69  74 79 84 89    94 99 04 09 14 my life phases so far 2012


From 1989-94 I tried all sorts of lecturing, workshops, projects, writing a book with my wife, then started publishing on the internet, connecting with all sorts of people on a global scale to turn my work into a value which would allow not just for my inner growth, but a turnaround from the world going astray under OPTION I. In 1968 I was in Israel experiencing it at its best, I saw the opportunities to make peace between real people, and in 1977 I saw it again, after OPTION I minded, mislead leaders took control after the founding generation. The same happened in Switzerland, which made my quit my technically successful job in the Swiss Army in 1979, and went to exile in 1986. From 1989-92 I experienced the onset of a hopeful turnaround in former East Germany in my consulting work and workshops - same thing, OPTION I minded managers corrupted it all in the end. Now Dec. 2012, we have the European and the Middle East crisis, horrid business as usual, most people's hope shattered, a generation who never saw anything else, detached from basics, some now looking forward to the propagated end of the world on Dec. 21, 2012, a month ahead of writing this.


In short, the OPTION II approach still has no value in the now more predominantly OPTION I misled world than ever, despite my incredible scientific breakthrough, the results of which are absolutely critical for humanity's survival, even more pressing than ecology. Some people, even among former closed friends and family members, fearfully so hate my approach to the point of disallowing me existence, some calling themselves even Christians. After all, reformed Zürich burnt that last "witch" alive 1701; the old prejudices are still haunting around! And in Glarus, the last "witch", Anna Göldi 1872, basically to cover up some extra-marital activities of an aristocrat - not even with her, was beheaded in a fake trial - business as usual since the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in our "Christian - humanist - socialist" world. In it, monsters such as many popes, emperors, kings, genocide organizers with each more than 10 millions gruesomely murdered people, such as the Belgian King Leopold II 1884-1908 in the Congo, making mass-murder to satisfy greed for resources and power politically viable, were preparing the ground for Josef Stalin, Adolf Hitler & Co. to gain tremendous power and influence. They was acted through the incredible destruction of lifefulfillment, propagated by zeitgeist obsessed politicians, intellectuals, philosophers, psychiatrists, psychologists, lawyers, scientists, managers, and even priests, with up to today, their organizational principles are till intact...


Thus, this world gives people overwhelming reasons to hate humanity and either seeing the "solution" as the mentioned mass-murders did, and as the countless people who go for slow suicide like smokers and druggies do. Still doing it the hard way has lead to suicide terrorism, not to mentioned the subtle approaches to first overpopulate the world to then having to subtly mass liquidate 6/7 of the world's population to establish the New World Order. All this is totally thriving under OPTION I, even in Switzerland with its top rankings in welfare as well as in suicides. It was into such a desperate and seemingly hopeless world, where Jesus Christ was born to exemplify OPTION II to the utmost of overcoming the OPTION I executed death, with his


L1-loving engagement for those who B1-believe in him as the B2-breakthrough to the B3-path that in B4-truth, leads to B5-(eternal) life (fulfillment). And what else did the OPTION I priests than to cannibalize message for the New Roman Empire up to today? They put the idea of sacrifice on top of Jesus' message, so they could suck people's substance. This lead to the Reformation and then to the most horrible 125 years of wars, up to the present wars against terror, equating peace keeping with war making, and that with business - as usual_i. Personally I need to contribute to the proper OPTION I/OPTION II b-balance, the need for which is acute in my life phase from 65-70. Thus is my substance to be loving and be seen at least by those who still have eyes to see, as worthy of love. Lacking to fulfill one's L1-resource, from where one's LIKING stems, leads to all the perversities of Freudian psychology, up to its primitive political profiling interested only in keeping people §1-infantile under the OPTION I zeitgeist leaders, lacking any understanding, putting those down who do not give in to them. So Sigmund Freud escaped the Nazi concentration camp just to came up with his mental barbed wire of ?0>*3 based Psycho-analysis, which lead to Gustav Jung's %-collective archetypes. Hitler was enticed by these mystical ideologies and put them into practice, among others through euthanasia consulting bodies, in which Jung participated. And this still goes on with today's substance less methods applied by legalized drug dealers, psychiatrists, shrinks and spin doctors and worse. You see, I could also freak out in the face of with the seemingly dominant +2 greed and -4 fear, dropping L1-love as an ?0-illusion *3-triggered by hormones, and retard my personal growth and awareness to become %1-socially compatible! Why don't I? Because instead_ii, L1-life is the onset of


L2-Timely Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence, just what is needed when a pregnancy is identified - think of Josef when he realized Maria was pregnant with Jesus. And then consider what the loveless Herod did; have some thousand babies murdered in fear of another king being among them, and all that just based on rumors! Similarly, based on spin, Georg W. Bush pressed for the 2nd Gulf War, which cost more than 100'000 lives. Encountering such examples, often misused by misled people influenced by OPTION I , I am challenged to become !-essential otherwise I might die away from my substance instead, then trying to %5-manipulate manipulators who compete for other people's opinions. So challenged by the second last inner resource, typically at the age 70-75, we come to the utmost challenge in a life of, at the age of 75-80, so we still remain real human beings:


L3-Reframing: So here I am at 68, still with no value in the world_i to J-justify my existence among OPTION I minded people, who even denigrate my right to exist,  such as some of my close family members. And yet I am still alive, the best still ahead of me: To find the G3-way to §1-express the J-justification for me being here, relevant beyond my death. And in my case, that has to do with the J-resource for L3-reframing I have, based on my X-9Pp being, prepared for a F9-basic Process for a turnaround to OPTION II! In fact besides all the people who didn't like my approach and ignored OPTION II, some took it up, applied it and gained a turnaround, L2-just in time before the point of NO return from being sucked into OPTION I and worse. And that also applies to myself to a degree beyond even my wildest imagination, before 1979 in my former OPTION I life!





The top line in the matrix to the left points to what I am challenged to qualify for to be able to act without freaking out about the "dark evil voices". Up to year 10, in view of what was 1=very bad (among others being operated by a butcher of a doctor). Nowhere in my life was it just 2=bad, but a lot was 3=unsatisfactory in my I- and v-modes, and then in my present life period 2000-2019 with the Rab! modes (outlined in positioning my life situation above). At my age of 20-30 my life was 4=satisfactory, I was developing professionally (up to a Ph.D. in Astrophysics in Australia), and personally (marriage with the deep joy of becoming the father of a beautiful daughter. In my the last phase of development, ahead at the age of 75-80 I shall be challenged to face the 5=good by which I am challenged to J-justify my existence at last. It is all about accounting for the sixteen 5-year phases of qualifying in yearly periods of 1) Life- 2) x-fulfill-ment 3) B4-Clarity 4) Freedom for L3 5) G5-Health, to be memorized with the 5 Finger-Presentation Technique© of thumb-pointer-middle finger, ring finger- small finger, to get the next mode of being (mine hycm fSpIX) consciously awakened. With those fully developed modes of being one can then contribute to the challenge in the Social Impact Dimensions (me, beginning with h, in Pe) with the corresponding Functions F1-9 (me in my h, with F2) with their knowledge work#1,#2,#0,#3 (me in h, with #1). And all of them get awakened, in my case from the child's §1 up to L3 at 75. Beneath you see, my so-called "dark evil voices" ?* +/- % side-tracking me into the ZG-OPTION I; or from a better point of view, challenging me to use OPTION II for life- through task-fulfillment.


Please accept, that to fully understand the above, at this time depicted in the most advanced i-GPS on the planet, is beyond the scope of this site. Consider it as a sufficiently far reaching introduction for your study. It can only bear fruit if you follow it up with implementing/doing, what you then get as personally-neutral, wordy#2 content from my forms#0 (being thankful for the glass half full rather than complaining about your half emptiness, with one leg tied to OPTION I's prejudgment about my forms). Then you need to experience the personally relevant meaning#3 of all the above surprising content, e.g. real information, to learn how to go further in your study and gain content-free, basic experience#1, until you become the expert in YOUR own Life-through Task-Fulfillment. Take it that nobody else can be that for you, however, genuine people can challenge, support and love you, so you can accept and fulfill your innate task, for which you are here; for your own sake! Remember, your Creator is no OPTION I tinkerer and you should not be one either as intellectuals_i suggest with their agendas hidden behind the fig leaf of the zeitgeist!


And please, do not get me wrong about the above qualifications 1-6; these are not the usual value judgments! The numbers 1-6 point to the required qualification by applying one's respective inner resources to handle 1=very bad, 2=bad, 3=unsatisfactory, 4=satisfactory, 5=good up to 6=very good challenges, situations, and or opportunities, to become qualified in the 5-year period in terms of the yearly phases of Life-fulfillment-clarity-freedom-health By the way the 5 yearly periods in each 5-year phases of life, stem from how the brain integrates 1) Life's experiences by 2) striving to fulfill them, by 3) making them symbolically#0 available, in order to be able to 4-organizing#2 something appropriate with those involved, to then 5-technically#1 optimize it and make it operational, ultimately to all humanity towards OPTION II, e.g. to get a mention not just in your brain, among your friends, in your team, culture, in the global brain, but ultimately and beyond the DNA gene pool of humanity, in God's "book of life"!


And here is a final hint; please note that the completion of the 16 life phases up to 80 does not mean that life is sort of over, when all your modes have been challenged to have them qualified (most people give up sooner to OPTION I, many retard to an infantile §1-playing around ,say, on Facebook, to then usually end up as an example of OPTION I, eg. born 1960, died 1975, buried 2020 after lung cancer, if you know what I mean! Nor does the above  mean that earlier on, modes (inner resources) that will be challenged later in life, are not yet available. Between me and my wife all 16 modes were challenged by the age of 55, which was around 9/11, 2001. And that did not mean our lives were boring before, but we were clearly lacking understanding each other about certain modes. But when all modes were awakened between us around 2001, we had a better chance to become fully aware of the personally still sleeping modes of being. So with what I have worked out since 1979, I am sure I could live easily 10 more lives beyond 80, just as Isaac Newton could have done with what he has set in motion with his first proper laws of Nature, Moses with his 10 commandments; God with having created all of us, eternally...


So rather consider becoming part of introducing OPTION II by first making use of it for your self before you consider marketing it. Without such personal growth we all are somewhat conditioned to insist on our, in itself childish §1-resource to get attention in Option_i. And we all experience having the existence of our innate L3-resource and lower ones, above all the H4-resource denied in the name of OPTION I. This is manifested very clearly in the Arab/Israeli conflict and the whole creepy history behind it. Similarly people who do not understand themselves well and cover their truth with a fig leave of expressing a lot prejudices often seek the solution where the problem comes from; organized support without understanding! In touch with the G4-truth you do not trust mere words, old scriptures and charisma, but you ask yourself in your conscience about what they all mean for YOUR life- through task-fulfillment.


There is an Option II for YOU TOO and even an appropriate inner Growth-Potential-System i-GPS to guide you beyond the stumbling blocks of your "dark evil voices - and power of the zeitgeist", along the path of YOUR corner stones of Life- through Task-Fulfillment:



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