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Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
My sites convey personally meaningful content 4U, not mere mass-attractive forms; please STUDY - DO - EXPERIENCE - LEARN, also the context, not prejudices from a quick glance in view of what other might think read more >>


My Target Group for i-GPS©

Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland)

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Firstly my target group consists of real human beings who do not freak out at the following four basics about reframing their economic Growth-Potential-System, e-GPS, but sense a value in it which they want to pursue. This requires a sense of having gone through the biological evolution in one's births and that now, we need to go through the mental evolution of mankind to fulfill our lives in a personally relevant way. In a world which is now stuck in phase 3, most people part of the problem, that requires to becoming part of the solution at the leading edge towards phase 4.


Basics#1 - Promoting Survival (beat nature and chaos with sword and word): More and more people in this world are now thrown back to the survival phase (1) humanity started with. For that phase we provide access to an effective trauma self-treatment - possibly often even via Skype, advanced spine alignment and Detoxification, and investments (commodities, real estate, precious wood and other green investments with future) with a better chance to overcome the global financial and political crisis seemingly heading for a global crash, according to experts, around 2017. In this phase humans experience themselves under a despotic growth potential and try to appease it in the archaic as the old idols and gods - up to human sacrifices, over which many cultures became extinct. Cancer is its internal equivalent. Survival is in terms of the 8 OPTION I substance-less states of mind; sandwiched between *3-competing for attention in the ZG-Zeitgeist in a social Darwinian way with one's ?0-illusionary visions on the one side, and on the other one in the %5-manipulative struggle for getting followers to turn the %1-political correctness towards one's agenda hidden by a promising mass-attractive %6-ideology, survivor manage to -4 reduce their stress and +2 increase their profit and the lust it buys. However, since this is achieved best in an non-understand way within a society that is still addicted to outdated ways of communication about its implications, thinking catastrophes are cultivated until they collapse in unavoidable to human catastrophe - such as the extinction of the Nazca Cult of Peru.


In terms of the general e-GPS, my *3 survival struggle requires a ?0 Marketing that results in potential customers becoming interested in what I can offer and expressing it by ringing say a call centre, filling out a capture page of mine, or liking, voting for, and referring me say on Facebook. How about YOUR STRUGGLE?


As a smart business owner; making use of my i-GPS, I know at this stage 1, that I have to find a way to outsource 2Cm to someone, unlike me, with substance in this social impact dimension of F2-doing what is required to multiply the Communication about what I have to offer, in order to get what I need to survive. So rather than wasting myself under my 2Cm-OPTION I (*3-ego driven ?0-illusions), I have to use say 90% of my time, S-relaxing on my substantial B2-breakthroughs where I really have my S=substance, as 9Pp, preparing F9-basic Processes towards OPTION II. And this is just what I do here for you to experience and understand, how you can also sufficiently survive for fulfilling the following basics of life- through task-fulfillment - using your i-GPS, with its parameters that do justice to YOUR X. A stone age homo sapiens freaks out over symbols not used in his or her tribe, say like here as abbreviations pointing to what has been explained previously to him or her personally - as I did it here above for you to remember, so we can go further, just as with subroutines in a computer program. For exclusive stage#1 Promotors, mere survivors, everything that is not tribal, is feared as being daemonic with the danger of becoming outcast by relating to it. Personally, a T-Promotor, I am willing to go into such symbolic systems until they become (among four options depending on one's X) a Trap to my X-substance. Not in touch with it, I would get trapped in phase#1 and that was my state of mind until I woke up to who I am (X=9Pp) in school, but just to experience the pre-trans-trapping nature of society, then still in the following despot state:



Basics#2 - Controlling Empire Building (obey the king, work for rewards, embellish cast system behind demo-crazy): As you know, the scissors (rich get richer, poor, poorer) between the mass struggling for survival, and the "elite" of in fact despots in their usurped position power with substance-less definition power, still opens up more and more! Obviously in terms of money, the rich get richer, the poor, poorer as usual, the USA leading the trend, even at the abyss, a step further. In the resulting chaos this asks for a despot disguised as a leader / priest / guru to restore order, even with violent communication up to stoning (as approved by Saul towards Stephen), crucifying Jesus as organized by the scribes, up to making war such by the despotic Romans to destroy the Temple in Jerusalem for good. If your mind is whining about this bad message and set not to even understand basics#1, you still have victim power at your disposal to get attention from despots, up to becoming a martyr, say as self-suicide terrorist against messengers as scapegoats to now get global media attention! In World War I, traumatized by the horrors of the trenches, the poison gas and the intellectual traitors of his patriotism, private Adolf Hitler fell in this state of mind loosing all spirituality of striving towards the ZG-zeitgeist. He became the personated spirit of the time for half of the then civilized humanity with his *3 ego-driven ?0-spiritualy as Adolf Hitler. Remember, you cannot understand and thereby love and experience the blessing of synergy, what you want power of - copying and running after those with power as your masters.


And so people stuck in basics#1 try to copy the despots to reach their standard. This requires letting go of your pre-scarcity driven mentality that is preceding the comfort zone of despots to get access to them - typically to pay their prices for what they offer you as seminars with money, and on the job, with other-determinedness to follow their agenda. Once you are in the trap of such a master, you usually find out the hard way, that despots equally clash with what would transcend their comfort zone, as we all clash with pre-"criminals"! Such is your trap as you enter it to be of their service for money. Then you either learn to pre-trans-trap too, embellished as focusing on your at first other-determined so called core *3(?0>ZG) competence - the job you were assigned to by your boss with his hidden agenda to instrumentalize you for his or her e-GPS. Your career opportunity then is to do the same with those under you. If you can thus usurp your master's position by ruthlessly pre-trans-trapping (bulling, mobbing, politically outsmarting) him or her in your follower's mind (up to have them crying "Crucify him!"), you have made it too, yet at the price of having sold your soul. So if your mind is set to get a despot like comfort zone, excuse driven for anything else in life, begin with pre-trans-trapping the latter, your X-self, in a mass-attractive way of inner suicide - that is the only thing a despot can teach you apart from setting a negative example where it leads to in the end. But by the time you understand the latter, it is usually too late for you just like in Goethe's Dr. Faust. That also applies for all despots who left their marks of blood in a history where war has been cultivated as the extension of unavoidably failing communication under OPTION I. Therefore I offer successful survivors a vehicle they want to use. Despots, already successful with investments, products, vehicles/systems, who in terms of real human beings and their appropriate LifeFulfilling Platforms realize, that there is more to life, I offer their own i-GPS as exemplified here...


With the mind set of a despot, I would control my +/- comfort zone *3>?0 egoistically by making and matching my subdues' deals to reduce my -4 stress and maximize my +2 profit as their pre-trans-trapping sucker. To get there, to my merely money, power and fame driven e-GPS, I have to have leant the basic lessons how to design a corresponding system of dividing by 2Cm-blaming and ruling people. With it, driven to step out of my T-Promoter Trap as a mere C-controller, I am Clashing with what threatens to trap me, I would be 2Om-jealous for other people's success, driven to misuse my K=creativity for quantitative sciences#1 to outcompete them for my share of power. However, my i-GPS tells me at this point to outsource 2Om as well, so I can focus on my potential to b-balance L1-investements with my partners by modeling its implications in a pro-active way, as I do it here. Using my X as an example for you, is giving you the chance to get in touch with what kind of i-GPS you need beyond your despot know-how, instead of misusing it simplifications, category errors and the thinking catastrophe of the so-called humanities, to pre-trans-trap to instrumentalize, from a right wing fundamentalist satisfied perspective other people simply perceived as left-wing unsatisfied stirrers with their uncompromising populist victim-power#1...



Basics#0 - Supporting Business Globalization (eat Burger King and satisfy your formal needs socially compatible): The building of empires hit the ceiling in the Cuba-crisis of 1962 with the nearly missed atomic holocaust; 17 years later the Soviet "Evil Empire" collapsed, and in 2008 the US-oil based empire began to show cracks. We are now living in a multi-polar world, with just a few relicts of despots left, such as in North-Korea. Nobody openly dares to have his Therapy-Gen TG2 activate anymore to protect his or her agenda. Since Silvio Berlusconi's fall, such endeavors have a short life time in a global media society open for all sorts of Wikileaks and paparazzi information; the rulers of Russia and China are uneasy in their palaces, it just need some Pussy Riot girls to shake them. The US-star war shield has become legend also because of lacking funds. So instead of activating their TG2, people start to switch on their SO2, the inner conscience. That actually started with Buddha and Jesus Christ pointing at the meaning of individuals with their worldly sacrifice based on their insights about what we are here for, where we come from, and where we go. The Golden Rule in this phase#0 is to not do onto others what you do not want to be done onto you. However, there is a hard lesson to be learnt from such a supporter society; it's unwillingness to understand (inhibited by limiting the personal change within the social change - "tolerance" just for the "supporter-spirit" ) what leads further! And the assumption by which supporters meet others, that they do no have TG2 activated and thereby need them for support, has always lead in its subtle intolerance to what supporters pretended to be against in individuals, to the whole supporter mob becoming a society with an inherent despotic dynamic! And so the purpose of business is more and more degrading towards just helping business to stay in business, such as wars help the militaries and the soldiers to have a job. And that kind of pre-trans-trapping misery destroys democracy at its best and inhibits the best, TG2 and SO2 in individuals.


And indeed, in its present state, the OPTION I world infotains people as never before to pre(despotes)-trans (analyzers)-trap (supporters claiming to care beyond self-centered promoters, but without any analysis of what is and where it can possibly go to based on substance) themselves. No brutal wardens are needed anymore to degrade most people back to mere survivors (promoters). The result is physically unhealthy perversions and a mass-psychotic mental decay. It is now all about that the ultimate show of the OPTION I (phases#1,2,0) world must go on at all cost up to the show-down. The signs are on all walls, in the environment, in most brains and in too many smoke polluted lungs and chunk food and drug poisoned cells with the result of cancer in all levels of human systems, exploding social costs and risks, sucking liabilities, and dept crisis bubbles ready to blow - more problems and symptoms made than real solutions implemented, more and more people tied up in so-called support systems in nobody's control anymore - Chernobyl, Fukushima, hunger, dwindling resources and so on.


As a lonely caller in the mental desert of so called "good humans with all their humanities, moral and ethics" info-flooded minds, unable to discern the despot and analyzer phase, with the mental virus of pre-trans-trapping both, in which sheeple freak out over the content presented here, I stand up with the Mental-Navi© with all its potential for a turnaround, bottom-up, based on the everywhere missing Applied Personal Science#3 APS®. A turnaround no longer requires OPTION I optioin based conflicting theories which when implemented lead to waging a wars, just inner honesty in view of the failed phases#1,2,0 of OPTION I infotained collectives, beyond just embellishing it with niceties (like the Red Cross seems to making war bearable) now prevailing, with politically correct so-called non-violent communication and Google Adword regulated squeeze pages, and Catholics mere objects of hierarchical soul caring as a Bishop put it...


In my supporter mind I try to rise people's genuine conscience, open in view of their
-4 fear of having also to stand out like me to then just as well get not understood and mobbed by a crowed aroused to see someone else despotically pre-trans-trapped, those who dare witness their insights into the substance of real human beings so they can also make use of OPTION II. And that is precisely what happened 2012 in Mannheim where the world elite performed in the name of "with Happiness to Success". It was in fact a last desperate sell-out call to get paid for helping people by those who, between the line and in personal encounters, made it amply clear that they themselves are at their wits end. Most of this zeitgeist elite in fact now performs as the "Soccer's Apprentice" to pretending to be the solution for the problem they have evoked.
And they made it amply clear to me, a p-Supporter, that I can F2-do nothing substantial to help them establish any other Objectives than what they insist to cultivate under OPTION I with whatever type of Communication I can 2Ce come up with; I am perceived as preceding the prevailing cult - just like Lazarus even when by the rich man when he was in hell. However, I can lead overcoming the OPTION I world based on my B1-belief in OPTION II substantiated here, f-feeling what has a future! This requires far more than just non-violent communication about what shows life as what Paul expressed in his letters to the first Christian; he also had to walk his talk! What is required to be expressed and implemented by me as a p-Supporter is the understanding of the laws of lifefulfillment, towards L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence about what is !=sufficiently essential; a critical number of people to go through the 4 stages of the mental evolution of mankind as outlined here! So do not wait for the majority, which in itself can never make it! Follow your internal Growth-Potential-System your are, no longer to the ditches as in World War I, but to the leading edge of the transition from phase 3 to 4 as outlined here. And that is why I am p-step out of the sinking OPTION I obsessed world with my X=9Pp to prepare the Path towards making use of OPTION II with the F9-basics, appropriate i-GPS to reframe the e-GPS!


1. The game between the collective and the individuals has changed.
2. It's potentially changing in YOUR favor too.
3. Individuals not just despots are now more and more owning the media.
4. Anyone...can become a star and share their message with the world.

5. Thus anyone can make use of OPTION II for Life- through Task-Fulfillment


Basics#3 - Analysis of Real Human systems (implement radical change based on understanding the cause of violence on the 16 levels with one's own substance. This social, by individual change with substance takes more energy than simply caring for self, but you get it through synergy which comes by understanding real human beings as love worthy life principles and energies): To complete my survey of my top target group, after confronting some of the world's elite in Mannheim, I went to the NAC National Achievers Congress in Nürnberg under the motto of "Unfair Advantage". And that brings us to the final analysis of how to frame the e-GPS with the i-GPS with the potential to have both TG1-2 activated as well as SO1-2 switched on in order to be self-determined as the owner of ones e-GPS as promoted by Marco Kozlowski with his WTF - The Wealth Formula. Imagine the synergy possible with me and him and/or those who understand the mental human evolution and our response-ability NOW!


In phase 4 of humanity's mental evolution, I am a t-Analyzer by making use of the 4th available t-approach to the four phases as an substantial expert with the basic#1 H4(TCpt), in order to transcend my previous Cpt-experiences as T-promoter, C-controller and p-Supporter by H4=modeling what is to be understood as substantially essential based on my most inner a-conscience in working out my a-intuitive relationship to the precondition for a loveable project driven by my passion; here empowering the WTF - e-GPS general wealth formula with the personally relevant i-GPS.


And that personally relevant expertise is what I work out first with those people who apply for the first step as partners. Can you see now, why the OPTION I confined world and its sheeple, despots and scribes give this final, the analyzer phase, the least meaning and why Jesus said, that last shall be the first and that those who want to stand out need to serve all, substantially? In phase 3 hardly anybody dares coming up with a substantial analysis and based on it, with genuine solutions! The reason for this attitude with no future is not complexity, the cause of which too often is the OPTION I limitation and OPTION II inhibition of publically organized science; it's fear to not be seen as a helper anymore with understanding, and thus become an outcast! Similarly in a Earth-centered picture of the Universe up to a Flat Earth Society, reality appeared too complex and then needs dogmas to cover up this thinking catastrophe - eventually human sacrifice! Thus it is obvious that such people_i, sheeple and their despotic cults, above all pre-trans-trap the t-approach to analysis which is actually innate to Jewish culture.


Historically speak societies which gave the t-analysis quality such as in Jewish culture, which actually transcended all other religions and philosophies with monotheism towards the genuine Creator, a fair chance, flourished. But where their own scribes and intellectuals, then those who were scapegoating the Jews for their own blunder, up to the fascist holocaust, distorted and persecuted Jews, those societies decayed, beginning with the Temple cult in Jerusalem!


Similarly the pppp-approach to all four phases as lived by Jesus Christ provoked his crucifixion and then the OPTION I power elite had his genuine followers (some mere 10% of Christians as studies show) martyred and outcast up to the present day. Why? They could not be instrumentalized in any OPTION I trap. And worse, the OPTION I worldly, evil spirit embodied Jesus's message and distorted it in the most gruesome human history, that of the so-called Christians - understand why Jesus must have said to himself: "Thanks God I am not a Christian!" and then rose back to heavens after he had the Holy Spirit reframed a sufficient number of real people's mental operation system by installing the OPTION II update with the promise of a second come for a final analysis as happened on Pentecost. Before, on Palm Sunday, Jesus actually p-stepped out on his donkey, the vehicle of kings preceding that time, from the crowd, who wanted him as an OPTION I savior. And so these same sheeple, who hailed him before for their purpose, a few days later, in the meantime, %5-manipulated by the scribes, cried, faced with a choice to let one of the judged one's go: "Crucify HIM!". This also meant letting the real p-criminal, in today's terms the terrorist standing beside Jesus in front of the excited survival / supporter crowd, go in the ultimate pre-trans-trap manner. That OPTION I ruling mechanism is executed by despots and their mobs as previous by the survivor priests with their random terror of human sacrifice to hold potential despots back from the ruling cast. Such is the brand mark of the OPTION I world which with word and sword, inhibits phase 4. And so by now we stand at the abyss of the final global destruction by mankind's worst enemy, the OPTION I mind - now up for reframing back to extinction or towards the only desirable future, based on OPTION II analysis, leading to the corresponding science#3 outlined here, towards LifeFulfilling Platforms, now within reach for real people in phase 4!


The mental new no-mads are already around, who practice running away from all analysis back into phase#1's supposed freedom for anything to go - and nothing fulfilled; intellectuals and their useful idiots in politics and management as if every nonsense could forever be re-run and all consequences be avoided or put on a scapegoat...


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