i-GPS00) We all start our lives with what we
LIKE, the 00-default internal Growth-Potential-System
just as "science" attributes 00-instincts to animals to justify their usage for
humans like we do with objects.
respect |
competition > war |
death |
understanding |
intellect > decay |
barbarism |
reproducible |
anarchy |
amorality |
majority |
arbitrariness |
human sacrifice |
acceptance |
catastrophe |
extinction |
with sufficient use of OPTION II |
the mass-attractive,
in itself, self-destructive OPTION I |
However, LIFE needs to be fulfilled
individually on all its levels, or the whole comes to harm!
Now in a supporter - an exclusive help to satisfy needs society - harm
comes rather sooner after humanity thus made half the life forms
extinct and under OPTION I with merely the
globalized thinking catastrophes_i. In fact
WE are now threatening the survival of the other half, including
ourselves as so called humans. So
OPTION II is about:
1) Life-through task-fulfillment
in its respectful expression
in society, so reproducible
methods and technologies
can apply for a §0-personally
desirable, sustainable living together in mutual
acceptance of ones innate
principle of lifefulfillment. According to the
Swiss writer Gottfried Keller, translated in its deeper meaning: "Who has
given up this hope, or negates it with an hidden agenda in evil (OPTION I) ways,
would have rather not been born, for dying he or she already lies in the
2) When mutual respect lacks, competition up to wars result and
then the intellect outmaneuvers understanding with
the resulting decay of the mental operations systems in more and more
people like a mental plague. This leads to anarchy and in its decay of
values, to arbitrariness that ends up in catastrophes which nobody is in
control any more, and that after the majority wanted it - examples are plenty...
3) The remaining consequences are unfulfilled suffering, dwindling
vital resources, and polluted nature, and then dead people, still more then 1
out of seven coming to a gruesome death (hunger, unnecessary
sickness from addictions, war, crimes, torture, man-made catastrophes, trauma
sublimated by crimes and worse - Hitler & Co., substance-less elites, who in
fact reduces themselves to money sucking zombies). Once this Pandora box is
sufficiently open, barbarism up to suicide terror, amorality up to
child abuse and genocide lead to human sacrifice to appease the zeitgeist with a
new trend up to extinction of life on Earth - now all within reach!
In short each of us, based on his or her
X=innate substance of who he or she IS, has a
task to fulfill! And that is in
transforming the threatening (2) and (3) in its onset in him- or herself, in
time before the point of NO return of becoming unable to
become part of the solution with OPTION II. That
means learning to cope with the temptation of being sucked by the
eight dark ( substance-less) forces of (in its consequences) evil. That is
where the i-GPS00-06 come
in to guide you along your corner stones, away from your stumbling
blocks from your present mere LIKING (GPS-position),
towards your life-fulfillment (GPS-destination,
even HOME).
Once a sufficient number of real human beings, their relationships, teams and
cultures -
On TOO - get this, humanity can move from the
present ultimately
challenging phase 3 to phase 4, rather than fall back as it already has
in more and more countries up to failed states, like cancer in humanity's
body with its already badly destroyed immune systems (in its members'
consciences) from all the mental- and chemo-"therapies" and confused
minds from full with all the conflicting hypes and "advice" from
philosophers, intellectuals, shrinks, and official and unofficial chemical and
mental drug-dealers! Most people now lack the basic mental hygiene only
to be achieved by personal relevant understanding -
the horror of all with a distorted LIKING such as OPTION I system wardens,
freaks and suckers...
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