My exemplary i-GPS
An advanced
supporter world_i sets up
social media forums supposedly to help and support people in getting
mass-attractive under its OPTION I
philosophy. That encourages people as sheeple, to waste their time as
groupies among each other. When people in Ancient Egypt or later in the Middle
Age despot societies were no longer all needed to produce food, they were
made to build temples, pyramids and later on churches, palaces and cathedrals to
glorify the OPTION I elite and impress their subdues.
In the modern substance-less virtual way sheeple
get a sublimating experience for lifefulfillment
by filling their inner emptiness with participating in the
information flood where anything goes within
the netiquettes of their forums. This kind of at
the highest, the university level, intellectual masturbation, keeps
today's sheeple longer out of the mischief of rioting in the real world when
their support systems collapse - as say 2012 in Greece. The result is more
hidden emptiness up to confusion between reality and virtuality, thinking
catastrophe that lead to human catastrophes. When such groups are in the
'support' spirit, the resulting
group dynamic becomes despotic against
understanding of new ideas and obtaining clarity for solutions. There is nothing
worse than such as
boiling frog,
pre-trans-trapping spirit with which people convince
each other that it is the right one, in fact it is NOT leading in the
desirable direction but where such beggars begging each other for attention end
in a self-destructive dead end. Then those sheeple, like those, who on
Palm Sunday hailed Jesus as their desired king, cry for a scapegoat (crucify
him who disappointed them), and then hail a despot under which they are
prepared to go to war against an enemy who is in a similar trap. Now
its humanity against humanity, and the question is how to get out of this in
time before the point of NO return of becoming part of the sinking sheeple.
Based on my X=9Pp being, I like (bG5),
b=balancing my personally G5-lifefulfillment
with that of other people as my default
motivation and goal at first
Beyond simply my linking,
towards life-through task-fulfillment, my i-GPS challenges me to
H4=relate to the basics#1 of
personally relevant#3
G5-lifefulfillment we a culturally and
personally-neutral#2 b=balancing,
L1-loving engagement on the levels
(for my X=9Pp)
L3 |
L2 |
L1 |
b |
H4 |
9Pv |
H3 |
H2 |
H1 |
B5 |
B4 |
B3 |
B2 |
B1 |
§0 |
§3 |
§2 |
§1 |
§1 |
§2 |
§3 |
§0 |
B1 |
B2 |
B3 |
B4 |
B5 |
H1 |
H2 |
H3 |
H4 |
L1 |
L2 |
L3 |
Please do not considers these scales a value judgment; it is the
ethical development scale
not a Tower of Babel and it holds the 16 essential states
of our X=being together against the temptations of the
8 non-essential ones, just as
the spine does it physically with our organs, for all humans
equally structured, so
to speak as our mental spine, however,
personally relevant
according to our X-being. And that requires
mutual understanding without which
human achievements end
up as a curse rather than the possible blessing of
lifefulfilling synergy toward which our being strives. So are you
prepared for the
corresponding task-fulfillment?
SO1 getting my
sharpened in terms of its substance, in my case
§2-y; that is the best
I can get switched on (SO) in the public education system, as long as I do not
get sucked into OPTION I to become a scribe. Thus I became K=creative
beyond physics (1) to design systems for the §2-purpose of dealing
with the y=minimal necessity.
And here is what a person, liking
gG5 says in her state of mind with a mental
operation system MOS_i,
without her i-GPS installed, thus rather than being switched on at least with
her SO1, in her then other-determined
0Kh she
is in awe about
Marshall Rosenberg and what great things he has done to
support non-violence. And that is merely
sublimating her own g=basic
innate value her G5-lifelfillment demands for her in terms of linking her X=5Om
being. We all know, people can pervert their substance to it contrary such as
the *3-ego driven ?0-illusionary liar Lucifer, disguised as a snake,
demonstrated towards Eve, +2 greedy Judas who sold Jesus life for 30 silver
coins to the scribes, just end up in suicide, -4 fearful Peter when he denied
Jesus thrice, and all the %-politicians and despots, who rose to power with a
publically mass-attractive inner suicide! But we always think of those not
present, outside our gangs, and least of oneself...
"Your guess is wrong, I am dyslexics
and I can speak very well and understand many things on many levels".
Obviously instead of p-perceiving where she could engage in L2-timely
exchange of project-oriented competence, she
freaks out in -4 fear
of losing control over her self K-created illusions#0,+2 greedy about
getting more from h-controlling her master's assumed ideology.
activating my basic
§1.Pe#1 therapy gene
(TG), that is my public ethics,
specifically with TG2 with
I am able to stand up for my
human right to §1-express the basic#1 Process
to be established to secure my i-GPS01 - specifically in my h=living
space, F2-doing what is urgent to be expressed#0,
my understanding of what is
F8-effective in the here and now when it matters and makes the
necessary difference.
§3.Pm#2 "My brain thinks
in pictures and if I do not understand the English words that you write, it
turns my head off..." This is an expression of clearly lacking §3-personal
integrity towards multiplying a generally#2 relevant Process.
"And I do not feel like checking these words in the dictionary because they
are mostly gone immediately." This kind of whining and refusing any R=resolution
towards F4-administering anything towards a F3-tangible result of
general#2 interest, for which I have seen that person to be perfectly
capable as a promoter of Rosenberg's non-violence, that is "other topics", from
"the others", typical for the
supporter phase; in fact the problem the solution of which it pretends to
be, shows a person immersed in a seeming supportive, but as a whole, a gang
which is a
despotic pre-trans-trap against any attempt for an analysis that leads
Despotic urge resulting from
the substance of
i-GPS01 and 02; for me it is
yh by which I provoke
the necessary experience to understand and qualify for using my
3D-6, power, e.g. conscience, by implementing what is y=minimally
necessary to scale my h=living space up for personally relevant#3
Definition power and qualify my power used in terms of the 6=very
good, e.g. the lifefulfilling outcome.
"For me that (p-perceiving the possibility of a R-resolution)
is immensely stressful and I the relationships (here her grammar got out of
kilter in denying her innate expertise) you have written not
can understand. At the same time
it's also very confusing
for me, when writing is in different colors."
That emotional outcry clearly shows that her SO2,
is not switched on. Thus her virtual Position power to deal with what is 3-unsatisfactory
it not qualified, because she rather dramatizes what is unsatisfactory than
pursuing what she can p-perceive to be a R-resolution and go for it. The motto is:
"If you know
the work involved, it would be crazy to get it done alone, but rather join a
supporter gang who supports you even with in invented sickness such
dyslexia/ADD... so that you can be supported not to
become an analyzer and take responsibility for yourself with your innate
expertise!" This is a multi-billion business up to stuffing certain children
with Ritalin and worse up to drugs, dubious psychiatry and OPTION I based
psychology and philosophy propagating their corrupted in
the zeitgeist simplifying thinking catastrophe at the cost of
the people sold for stupid until the then unavoidable human
i-GPS04) Expertise based
on implementing my intuitive flow state (a), is for me,
H4-modelling the basic substance of real people as outlined here, the
higher pattern beneath their behavior and intentions, by T-getting into
their promoter stage, C-confronting their controller stage, p-standing
by in their supporter stage, and t-transcending their analyzer stage,
and/or mine.
"It stresses me so, that I can not read this, for it takes me too much time to
understand. I have to read it so many times to even get a grasp and understand
anything at
all. It need too great an understanding. If someone makes me understand in a
conversation what he naturally means, then I find it much easier. Do you like to
tell me something you have understood from what I have written to you, so I' can
make my point clearly? In my opinion it is enough if everybody changes for
himself, then our world will change also." This is a clear declaration of
avoiding her §2-purpose of witnessing her intuition, according to the
motto, "when the rooster cries on the dung heap, the weather stays as it is...",
for she has outsourced the interpretation of her
most valuable inside to the "supporting other" blind ones relying on each
others' guidance; beggars begging each other! And obviously that reflects her fear to otherwise, SO1-2/TG1-2
in her full potential, being called to transcend OPTION I
promoting-controlling-supporting-analyzing to be self-determined, and witnessing
and implementing it, to be faced with all the risk to be mobbed as she mobs -
rather than loving God and others as she loves herself. The price among others,
is her closeness on her self-chosen other-determinedness unwrapped in fig
leaves such as an invented sickness; her tribute to the seemingly
non-violent supporter gang...
i-GPS05) Reframing the
e-GPS relevant to my business with my i-GPS and for other personal challenges,
those in relationships, teams, organizations and cultures, with a tailor made
combination of the personally-relevant
parameters of the lifefulfillment principles of those
The intellectual masturbating supporting
in the above example shows that some people are perfectly capable in this world-i
to pseudo-transcend their own OPTION II substance
in some "spiritual realm" cultivated
under OPTION I. And
this is the ultimate
violence, that against oneself! Such people can then be instrumentalized for any gruesome deed such as in
World War II up to self-suicide terror. In short, the world_i is not what it
appears to be! So by providing the above example, that 9Ow person indirectly
made OPTION I versus OPTION II amply clear in multiplying her utmost
giving in and giving up, crying for a tragedy with a seeming supporting
intension so she gets more support for her utmost violence. And the mob would
help her and scapegoat me. They might pretend they have a plan, and yet
they only make sure that those on their top
can go on playing their own game detached from any substance, e.g.
spiritually up to up-to-date psychological "research"
"proving" the evolutionary advantage of human depressions; it's business,
i-GPS06) I use my
Mental-Navi© as a
personally relevant App, for doing justice to my OPTION II corner stones in view
of the temptations of the OPTION I stumbling blocks...
And you know what; the secret of
becoming successful in world_i, is to show off
with a mass-attractive
inner suicide by hanging yourself on one of the stumbling blocks to let the
correspond eight dark forces of evil ( substance-less) drown you under
OPTION I and break your back bones (civil courage) beyond TG1-2. The your will
switched off forever (condemned from your substance), so you may become a
reliable OPTION I system warden as which the world_i promotes you with all the
privileges, until it dumps you as have been its useful
idiot who has served his term up to the peak of your incompetence. According to the
Principle at that stage, you even become a burden to the supporter society
which is then threatened by you to pull it down
(increasing corruption, health cost and social remainder risks, the signs of which are on
all wall, now globally)...
So to be
with having your i-GPS installed,
or not to be
under OPTION I, that is the
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