YOUR Benefit from internalizing your i-GPS
Dr. Peter Meier,
i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
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is nothing more simple than a mirage, but also nothing more subtly
dangerous than being misled by an illusion!
Is there any
installation manual
from which you do not shriek back, crying for simplifications to the level of a
magic wand as explained by a genii? If so,
that is a clear indication that you lack a personally
relevant internal
Growth-Potential-Systems, i-GPS! Our western, still formally
predominantly Christian culture is perceived by most people as a
supporting on with all the
attributes worked out. So let
us start from this as a common reference to understand the
benefit you can gain by internalizing your i-GPS:
In fact our culture has been heavily challenged
by what fundamentalist Islam promotes:
It has demonized the lovingly supporting Christian God to an all-mighty
and detached Allah, and it has mystified Jesus Christ to demean him compared to
Mohammed, Allah's prophet. Historically speaking, this has served the purpose to
demean the Eastern Roman Empire so that Rome could claim the world power by the
Pope as God's representative on Earth and in that capacity as king maker and
with its spin doctors, pulling the strings of worldly power behind the
scene. There are indications that even Islam was thus designed by the Vatican.
Anyway, as a supporter cult, the Vatican, historically speaking has set up a
global pre-trans-trap,
persecuting the criminals against its richness and the pill equally as
attempts to reform its definition power as a church where it fails. In
that sense that church promoting supporting people up to holy ones, reached its
despotic peak
with the Inquisition burning and otherwise torturing and killing as many
analyzing reformers
such as Jan Hus, heretics and "witches" over centuries as the Nazis gazed Jews.
Let us be honest, we are all still under
this spell which meanwhile has propagated through elitists hierarchical
societies, Nationalism, Capitalism, Communism, and now the
any-thing but proper analysis-goes
society feed by a mirage marketing seduced consumers and
instrumentalized workers in the third world, and politics fed by infotaining
people in the name of media demo-crazy. And all that so this world is made to
appear the best possible, while in fact, under OPTION I, it is becoming a
nature-, man-, women-, and children-wasting MATRIX, a Moloch! First it
leaves people without inner orientation; now the
failures of all those who pretended to provide it like philosophy, religion and
politics have become appalling obvious in an uncovered
gruesome history. So how can YOU benefit from internalizing your appropriate
i-GPS00-06 where you are still
stuck suffering, e.g. with some conscience and sensitivity
left as a
Open for your own X-existence, with i-GPS00-01 you learn to
discern the lifefulfilling
OPTION II from the merely mass-attractive
and thereby self-destructive one still prevailing
under OPTION I. The
that can happen to you stuck as a
demonizing/mystifying what is beyond your grasp to promote, is to
find yourself as having promoted the path into self-destructive systems such as
say the bank(st)ers did in their greed promoted business. And the in turn find
themselves merely as useful idiots of some despotic tycoon to be dropped
on their level of incompetence by the
Principle. Their demonizing misunderstanding of
controlling despots such as with conspiracy and other intellectual theories, and
their mystifying one about hypocritical supporters such as with esotericism,
ideological, and/or religious fundamentalism is now revealed in the information
open society.
And that can happened to all of us without i-GPS
when using unqualified power...
Open-ended for your intention, with i-GPS02-04 you learn to
account for the high value and the dangerously
ignored significance of the
inner resources and the substance of real
and how to personally qualify with your understanding.
The worst that can happen to you stuck as a
despotic controller, is to find yourself as
having merely controlled succumbing
under the self-destructive OPTION I world such as did Herod by
killing a few thousand babies (the skeletons of which have seemingly been
found in our time) in fear of a new king among them, e.g. throwing
out the baby with the bathwater - which happened to all of us without i-GPS...
In view of your end, open to generate, with i-GPS04-06 you learn to support
life- through task-fulfillment based on the
principles of lifefulfillment of those concerned,
rather than having your
put in a OPTION I pre-trans-trap
with a hype you defend by clashing with
anything pre-beneath, or trans-above your comfort zone, in fact
your trap! In it supported to support, in busines for the sake of
business, you thus become the crystallization kernel of a despotic and sucker
lead group dynamic of seemingly "god people with good principles"
such as sects up to political parties, left-/right-wing states and churches ...
If you already have an oegp open-ended
attitude to generate with principles as an
that is consciously incorporating your own
promoter-controller-supporter experiences, you find
the answers to your open questions in your i-GPS00-06
as how to deal with your
fellow human beings. And that entails those playing
promoter-controller-supporter power games against you such as between man
and women. And the most disturbing ones are those mobbers in
groupie teams; ignoring you with any analysis, for
a proper analysis is their blind spot such as on the Titanic, its owner
and his promoters,
suppress you as being an unwanted challenge to their
controlling power. The you
get the murderous, back-stabbber Herod-types up to the genocide
initiator-type like Hitler. They clash with you as being a threat to their
comfort zone such as all the intellectuals and marketers hiding their
impotence behind the fig leave of
freedom of opinion and
mobbing, mobilizing technically amplified
manipulated masses by
Spin Doctors against you, as the scribes did
against Jesus (Crying: Crucify him!),
US-presidential candidates against each others...
All of this can be overcome conceptually by the i-GPS
made possible with Applied Personal Science#3,
APS by a critical number of real people
who actually consider such orientation, thus making
use of OPTION II in their decisions. And this of a far more
value to humanity after its so far
ignorant and arrogant
history_i, than all the gold an silver
the Spaniards plundered in South America
(some 100 million pounds by which among
others they financed 125 years of wars with 11 millions slaughtered in battle
just to end up bankrupt). And the i-GPS potential is of an even far
greater value than the plundered Inca gold and the even greater one of the
potatoes the Spaniards brought with them besides the gold, and for the
introduction of which in Prussia, against the taste and the prejudice of the
time, two centuries later,
Frederick the Great is still honored in Berlin for having thus overcome
famines. Compared to last century's discovery of the
of the DNA, and
Kennedy's outer Moon Project,
the inner
i-GPS Project is critical for this 21st century:
=> The i-GPS00-06 are the onset of the project
by which a critical number
of real people
for a
turnaround, update their mental operating system
with OPTION II for their, based on conscious
analysis, self-determined life- through task-fulfillment, guided by i-GPS
relevant to their laws of
lifefulfillment and their
life situation.
I can now hear the horde of arrogant
Promoters cry in ignorance: "Beware
of the Demon!", Controllers:
"Here is our biggest threat, get rid of him as a scapegoat for our failures!",
Supporter as
in the example dealt with:
"Simplify your message so we can use it for our hidden agenda without you
despot in disguise by your complicated ways and references to substances beyond
our manipulations, a measure stick threatening to pull off our masks as
good-meaning people!"
what do you say
if you dare not howling with the wolves_i at full moon?
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