The Monkeys passed on the OPTION I world onto us, watch how they do it:
In the wussy world_i, people get trained for a profession, which most of
them hardly According to the pseudo-logic that collectives make people more intelligent, the evolution myths according to which monkeys behavior would have evolved from that of humans_i which tend to waste their substance, cannibalize their living space, and degenerate as outlined. And now we are told that even human moral evolved from that of apes. Compare humans with gorillas: In an experiment a gorilla tribe was fenced in, in their natural habitat. A similar area was fenced in, monkey free. The question was as to where the plants strive better. In case of humans_i the answer is obvious for they would have cannibalized nature, according to "waste the people and the planet and then fuck off" - if they could like when they went west in America, were there not the "stupid" limitation of the speed of light, the laws of nature, life and of one's own inner substance_ii. But the gorilla habitat thrived better - they picked the plants with awareness_ii like a gardener, tuned into_ii their habitat and their sustainable well being, not to greed_i. Regisseur and producer Claudio Lütscher, is to the point about human_i attitude:
Actually in 1985 at the World Congress of then trendy Humanistic Psychology in Kyoto Japan, I met a great African medicine-man in his full gear. He made fun of the guru wussy psychologist in the most hilarious way. Among others he told us the African version of Genesis: In the first human couple, the man was a bit of a wussie; he was so cumbersome in getting about with his women! The next door neighbor gorilla watched it for a while flabbergasted. The he lost his manner, went to the couple and taught the guy how to handle a women and procreate - a wise story indeed!