The Power of Clarity

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Get clear that a wussy just promotes his or her opinions in an informal, non-committing public way in the name of freedom, e.g. without taking any control over any meaning and consequences. A guru thus promotes his vision to make wussies promote his fame; under his or her control. You surely know some who tried with you and your most probably have tried it to! Check out the methods 1-5 to get money!

personal Supporter (S) - generative Analyzer (A) - principle
public Promoter (P) - open Controller (K) - ended
  informal formal


This site, however, supports and analyses the Empower Network for YOU, so you find your X-fire to access the interface it provides for you as a standard, in order then to adapt it so you get a LifeFulfilling Platform out of it as I did. And that within a week!  

In the wussy pre-trans-trap/clash world_i (the frame in the pictures below) of promoting things beneath its uphold culture, with stuff preceding it, to controll people trespassing its political correctness. Then they cannot but desperately try to catch up transcend it like 1912 on the Titanic in getting a place on a salvage boat, or giving their lives up to the so-called destiny as just a wussie. Thus OPTION I make every wussy support its overt trap, shying away from analysis that indicates that the resulting clashes among people is unavoidable leading to the bubble crashing:

pre trans trap clash >crash


I this kind of any wussy organization I world, after a week, I would still be considered a Gremlin wussy on the lowest rung of the career ladder. If I dared doing something like this site, instead of doing as told by my superior, you can bet, some guru Hector would check up on me and call me to order with a reward and punishment scheme. And that, to get his promotion at my cost. Look back what happened in your jobs and what it took you to creep up the carrier ladder...

Not so here after one week; I already work with the same rights and conditions like everyone else in the Network, though as an apprentice I am still going to learn a lot from the best members! Some of them are earning not 10'000$ plus a month, but a day. And I learn with fulfillment and efficiently in my framework, and my partners, as all-in friends have absolutely no interest in keeping me under them, even with a good chance to get at their earning level of earning after 12 more weeks of my task fulfillment - in a flawless, ethical, lifefulfilling way. And I do not regret any minute of having worked in this way as hard as it seemed at the beginning! And in my first week I gained a real human being as a friend as I had never one before on any job, and got to know lots of interesting people. Me, in the wussy world considered a pppp-outsider:

pre pre pre pre
Promoter Controller Supporter Analyzer

whatever I do and achieve with my X-substance, for among others, I can tell you what kind of an outsider wussy consider you, after me having experienced you enough to identify your X and its associated resources. Wussies try to put everyone down, some sooner, others, after making them a guru, later. Surely to promote such an obvious truth is pre (esoteric at best wussies make each other think in their mob against all evidence - so "crucify him"). Trying to provide people with OPTION II concepts so they can control their lives beyond a wussy destiny void of any substance, is a pre-heresy, deserving utter indignation! Supporting people in fulfilling their substance is considered a pre-madness, and daring to analysing the world_i from an OPTION II point of view, pre-scientific. You are still with me, of did the OPTION I mental virus snap in your head in going along with the wussies that I am too much of an outsider to take serious?

So I can only say "bye bye wussies", see you on the Empower Network with my X=9Pp. At this point people with good will for OPTION II, eyes to see and ears to hear for themselves, can certainly acknowledge that I introduce basics worthwhile considering (9) intending a process (P) to prepare (p) OPTION II to be taken by at least a critical number of real human beings before the point of NO return beyond which all the pre-trans-traps, up to humanity, crash. Tell me an organization that is not endangered by OPTION I! I know one, though not an organization_i, but YOU fulfilling your life-task in participating in an empowering networking platform_ii.

What did you just think I was going to suggest as a magic object, so you could go on standing outside as a subject merely opinionating about it trying to get applause from wussies?

Homo sapiens would have no answer to the latter question_ii he would let you know for his agenda is hidden even to himself. But YOU should now know what I mean, so please try for yourself and come back to me for support, if you are no longer wussing around dividing people and yourself, trying to rule rather than understand the relevant life substances, or looking for a guru.

We welcome you as who you truly are and acknowledge that you have your own personal issues to confront and resolve before you can fully embrace your potential and have your own success story.       


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