Homo sapiens promotes and controls hic survival with know-how Lower life forms seemingly just promote their genes informally and have an instinct to survive for that purpose, e.g. no conscious control over their life. People_i, however, know how and what they want to get under their control formally, being sapiens. And then through language, writing, book and now computers, they learnt the magic, the art and the personally-neutral science to cultivate OPTION I and how to succumb each other under it:
Homo sapiens sapiens, beyond collective knowledge individually knows what he knows and who to support what is desirable and analyze the outcome to improve it in a sustainable way: He or she respects any homo sapiens sapiens' existence in which every newborn is potentially born with a X-lifefulfilling substance! However, any indication in that direction makes the OPTION I empire strike back. And that since it was established by the first pharaoh 5000 years ago, still pre-trans-trapping any effort either to go back to its preceding e.g. barbarian, criminal state, or offering, beware, even trying to transcend the wussy world out of and with one's own resources! That gets no legitimation, even this world_i is revealed what it is, an in itself, basically closed upon itself, a merciless self-destructive trap: Surely you the gist of it if, even if you do not understand German - it is about the boiling frog syndrome:
Philosophy with its obsession with denotational, e.g. personally -neutral wordy instead of empathic power at large is the psycho-political know-how to keep society divided. And that of course in order to sustain the OPTION I world with its mono-political madness of the monopoly for power of the collective through its hierarchies over real people. The latter, you, are just like a title at the stock exchange, merely considered fuel generating expectations to be streamlined toward the spirit of the time, e.g. with an outcome that nobody really wants. And so nobody goes all in with his or her substance and resources in any of the organizations_i. This is outlined in Act 5 by Ananias and Sapphira versus Peter, the ambitious shepherd, the "rock" upon which the Vatican with its Inquisition rose to enforce the OPTION I world with its dead-end technology with which the wardens of this world are now at their wits end:
That is how magicians, priests, gurus, philosophers, intellectuals up to politicians, managers and generals try to dominate also the inner world of people with there manipulated, outer analog (perceived with our visual, auditory and kinesthetic senses which cover at best 5% of reality) world. In short, they thus suck people's soul! However, beginning with oral cultures, and then since there were books, people could create an inner digital world of symbolically coded understanding in which their inner analog world (soul) could fulfill itself independent of the outer circumstances - even an the stake, Jesus on the cross, until death. Since the digital revolution you can set up such a digital world, now with global reach on your personal computer in order to create your outer world as a LifeFulfilling Platform, provided you haven't sold your soul just for money...