2nd Opportunity with OPTION II
It's a risk - but the risk you take when you ignore it, is by far bigger...

Dr. Peter Meier
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In the OPTION I world of homo sapiens all are pushed into a role; what is YOURS?

But actually once upon a time you were a prince, e.g. were given the first chance to make use of OPTION II to be yourself by life-through task-fulfillment. But then the OPTION I world made you freak out in +2 greed to get more of the same, and in -4 fear to loose what you gained. And so could suck you into the role (profession) in which you seem most mass-attractive to uphold OPTION I. Some seem to get a good deal at least at first, some get the stick, others the carrot later, when they need it to endure under OPTION I until they die unfulfiled. However, they all lose their inner principle in the end - unless...

you are offered OPTION II again - and that is NOW! Unfortunately you might have meanwhile come to the conclusion, that you are just another human among people, and thus do not seemingly get it, what I said; in fact, even what you want out of life  other than may-be more money. Therefore you might say to me: "Was good to hear from you!"  But your little inner voice might the go on: "I am used to people who communicate their expectations and seeing where they all flow to in the zeitgeist. And they do not assume to be taken into account with what they really want to say. That keeps me at peace with them. I know the price is that I have to work harder only to get less. However, I got used to pretend everything is OK, even if I am not really successful and lacking a vision that anybody wants to empower. Though of course I still hope to get heard, even appreciated and encouraged for the best in me. Getting empowered would be super. When financially free, I might have time and the inner space to understand what I could do to get there. In fact I feel I can give something, but also that I need something to be able to deliver it so people recognize its value and notice me as a human being too - in short, I am waiting for Godo or some other miracle..."

When I was at this stage myself, thinking aloud about a desirable Network, I though of a princess who would kiss me as who I am, a prince, for I AM a lifefulfilling principle!

Such as Network should set up a global teaching system for entrepreneurs that trains them how to market information and systems, efficiently on the job of implementing it: Earning by learning in a lifefulfilling part time Job!

It should provide an all encompassing (teaching files and videos, business administration, marketing and social-interaction software for customer relationship building and of course an attractive affiliate program) internet platform. The interface to which should be adaptable by the affiliates fit their life projects, until it becomes their LifeFulfilling Platform to share their best they have to offer to the world and share it with other. Such an Empower Network should be transparent with no sucking hierarchy and everybody having the same challenge and 100% commissions on the products bought and learnt to use when prepared to train others where steill needed beyond the automated system. And believe it or not, in 2012 I found it, for I have always uphold the belief, that if I am looking for something, I find it, or make it myself! So within a month I could complement the Empower Network to me need beyond my expectations.

I know, in 1979 I was given my first chance; I began to work out not just my lifefulfillment principle, but on an all compassing level, a set whereby one of it fits to every human being in all cultures. Your little voice, tuned into the spirit of the time, might say: "Having the above dream I can now see, why this gay came up with such an illusion, after all, WE are people beyond anybody's understanding!"

In order to prove my point to you beyond such substance-less voices  I have created the Service System for OPTION II (SSO) for everyone, for free. It can support you too in overcoming your little voice as well as the seemingly big voice of the spirit of the time, so that you can learn to trust your inner substantial voice. The SSO also helps you to cope with the stumbling blocks the substance-less voices lure you in to have the kind of unnecessary problems und symptoms which are so common under OPTION I. YOU know now that there are corner stones available that guide you to become globally successful - make up your mind to get ALL-IN; if people who never had a proper job have done it, YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

Homo sapience knows what is to be known under Option_i; YOU have now be called to become a homo sapience sapince, knowing the personal consequences of putting your know-how into practice - conscientiously, using OPTION II, the understanding of yourself as a lifefulfilling principle. And that should become your prime corner stone to apply what you know externally, so that you can fulfill your life while you fulfill your tasks accordingly - not just for money, but then with the best chance to earn the money you need...  


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