The time has come, to overcome the ZG-zeitgeist guru/wussy world! It is turning people into norms under OPTION I in the name of sheer abstract mass-attractivity. To keep them in ITS trap, IT is pre-trans-trapping relating to H3-reality and H4-substantiality! For that evil purpose IT has created its own position power in its own image. So far all attempts to create the definition power to pave the way to overcome ZG with what real people hope for, life- through task fulfillment. Until the digital revolution has made the latter possible, all attempts to be free from ZG, free to fulfill oneself, have failed and/or were misused by gurus with their hidden agendas inhibiting a proper Empower Network for real people other than their hierarchical, analog (visual embellishment of auditory politics ending in kinesthetic power games) one. However, once upon a time, a father had three sons, H2, H3 and H4. He, H1 worked for the hope, that one day they would take over his vineyard. The father tried his best to raise them with his created definition power, however they lived in an ZG-zeitgeist OPTION I world with its usurped position power which just like most of us, formed his sons more than all the father's efforts to pass on his heritage to them. Close to death, he felt like US-President Barak Obama in 2012 shortly before the election, trying to find a way to push them through to open up for OPTION II:
So on his deathbed the father told his confused sons, that there IS a treasure hidden in the vineyard. Having his first son H2 in mind, he wanted him to pass on the order of things in the family based on his auditory skills. However, the other two sons were at a loss, for the father, H1 and with him their hope, died before he he had finished his testament with what he wanted to tell them. After the burial of the father and the mourning period, the open question triggered his second son, H3, to eagerly try to get more reality about the matter to turn it into his own benefit, and the third son H4 expected to find the reasons his father had for hiding a treasure. However, the 1st son, H2, took over with his streak towards a guru and H2-ordered his younger brothers to dig up the vineyard by following his definition power. His smaller brother H3, more of a wussy, bowed to his big brother's norm but had the hidden agenda of getting at the treasure first, to secure what he considered his fair share for going along and put reality aside, typical for a servant in view of his master, big brother watching him. However, the youngest brother, H4, a real human being was more detached from the passed on H1>H2 family order, and became aware of OPTION II; his own life. He was not enthused by H2 and rather tried to creatively make sense out of the H3-reality than manipulating it in order to find meaning in it all as a bases for his definition power. Still in the shadow of big brother, his inner experiences created a for him justified trust, that there is more to life than digging up the world at the order of others. However, in the first season, he could not convince the H2-prevailing guru/wussie ZG-culture_i through which his elder brothers dominated all of them to work and grind hard digging for the expected gold. This made them convincing each other to work more and more for a dwindling hope. Against this ZG-tendency to give self up, the oldest brother H2 had to put more effort into infotaining himself and his younger brothers, among others with the slogan "Yes WE can" ... do the work he defined for them! And thus he became their Guru, and of course began to dig less and less while searching for more effective motivational rhetoric as fit for a master in order to keep his servants under his definition power, out of mischief to question his usurped role. And this impressed H3 more than the reality, and so this sandwiched brother mutated to a Wussy by becoming the cheer-leader for H2. So H2 could represent the dominating order so it became an unquestioned reality for the H2-instrumentalized H3 (just like in the atom lobby in Fukushima before the multiply GAU 2011 - or in the Middle Ages...). No wonder, H3 became accident prone and had to suppress his frustration about not succeeding anywhere!
And that brings us into this
And so after three seasons of at first hard self-determined, "capitalist work" degenerating into other-determined "communist work", the destiny in the OPTION I world, it dawned on the almost outcast youngest son H4, what was really happening! The vineyard after all that digging began in fact to bear more fruits than ever, e.g. that is what the father could not convey to them on his death bed as the non-tangible treasure. And so their digging empowered the vines! As you know, in the guru/wussy world, H1-hope dies first, once the B4-truth has gone or forced to go out of B5-people's lives. With whom, where or when have you let someone, or an insight of your own, "die" without letting it to be spoken out? Who does your blogging empower in what network, and who empowers YOU, how? Facing that experience raised the B1-belief in the youngest son that there is a B2-breaktrough possible with his brothers so that all of them may find their B3-path, which in B4-truth leads to their B5-life- through task-fulfillment. And so with this mind set_ii now his, the youngest son was the first one to fall in L1-love with a women. And that kind of "digging" and blogging for a desirable relationship bore fruits too and gave him a bigger task then what he could see fulfilling as the outcast among his brothers, now as the head of HIS family. It required facing the challenge for L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence - especially during pregnancy or in other important family projects. And finally, from this safe haven of his family, all all-in to the challenges to grow with them, the youngest son finally mustered his highest resource, the ability to L3-reframe what otherwise is beyond cure. And so he applied it to the still unsatisfying co-operation with his brothers; reframed it with them from the slavery business under H2 framed OPTION I, towards a LifeFulfilling Platform_ii. Now this story does not end like a fairy tale with "...and if they haven't died, they are still alive...", but with the descendent of H2, Dave Wood, coming up with the Empower Network, for which his co-founder David Sharp, a descendent of H3, highlights the reality possible with this revolutionary marketing and teaching product system. You can get to know them for free via my Empower Site - get all-in.
called Peter Meier in the OPTION I world, am in fact 9Pp, descendent of
H4 through my a-intuition (the ultimate battler ground between God and the
Devil). I have learnt to understand that
And you know what, I wrote this story 20 days after me getting all-in with my substance too on the Empower Network. Since them I have meanwhile become incredibly empowered for my SSO project - now in the testing phase: Get all-in for free and become part of the pioneer work and reward in optimizing the SSO-system (fill in the questionaire) that can serve you to bring in people away from the hard way too - learn to dig for genuine values, where they truly are - among others in the Costa Rica Intensives you get when you are all-in! |