This is specifically to address those who either know me or have surfed on my EMPOWER Network or Blogging site (which is all you need for yourself to start with) touching "WATCH IT", then left their Emails on my Lead site and may-be even made it to the LANDING-, even to the JOIN-page. But then some little voice in you made you freak back, rightly or wrongly in terms of your best interest. In any case let those voice, e.g. prejudice not be your final conclusion!
1) Understand what happened, what this is all about and how it can work for YOU too:
Get a glimpse of the ultimate in marketing with the
EMPOWER Facebook App
2) Understand why and how this is possible Because this Network is about people who care to empower all they know - me - you for! You might need to see how the Google world_i talks best about online business; who can blog, and most probably that is easy for you, can become prosperous. So much for the promoter side of your character, The controller side wants to know how the income stream of the internet online business can be funneled your way. Fair enough! And then, your better self, the supporter side, wants to know who you can support with what with such a part time business to make it ethical - up to 100% commissions. There is an approach in Swiss-German too if you need it.
Having considered this, ask yourself where do you get such an overview of the opportunities of
online business and training,
networking and getting empowered to empower? And here is the
concluding analysis
which might give you the clue to get what my friend
Dave Wood has to say
about it in his caring
personally relevant way:
Please read and check out this page by putting the video on halt, then hear Dave and watch what voices resonate in you; master them your way not the little voices one!
3) What have you learnt so far about the EMPOWER NETWORK, OPTION I and _ii ? With hopefully your glass at least half full, I even go a step further with you and offer you access to a FREE COACHING with a a seven step email series that will guide you to experiencing the EMPOWER NETWORK from all sides to make up your mind! There is far more to it than what has met your eye so far and your prejudice has allowed you to grasp - I want you to understand what is changing the online world for the better! Considering to subscribe for this free offer you get an opportunity to face the first lesson in marketing, to sell what is in your best interest beyond the little voices in your head, self- or other-determined Whoever learns this lesson is on the path of OPTION II; life- through task-fulfillment! And that leads beyond the OPTION I guru/wussy wordy world which empowers only itself via your little voices, at your cost which 97% pay no questions asked, out of fear and greed. And to overcome that with your training on the job of making money online AND live, is the challenge for YOU I care for.
4) The you can also ask yourself, what YOU have learnt about YOURSELF_ii! In the first six weeks I got empowered to create all these approaches for multiple income streams efficiently in a most enjoyable flow state at the leading edge of overcoming the OPTION I zeitgeist of mere mass-attractivity. And this, not following the latter, brought me to the stage of the onset of my return on investment also financially - what more do you want other than a magic want? The Greeks realized it with the Trojan Horse and just opened up another trapdoor to the now globalized zeitgeist. If even in view of the justified hope to be able to live and work for lifefulfillment instead, you might still want to freak back to the wussie world of people herded up in Trojan Horse - OPTION I institutions ready in mass, for getting instrumentalized for some "Helena". No worries for me if you feel you need more of learning the hard way; just hit [wussyworld]; some have to remain there - but YOU? Let the others follow the zeitgeist under so the OPTION I show can go on as the challenge to real human beings who are in touch with their best interests and use OPTION II in following it up. You should by now have become aware enough of your experience_i, to take the opportunity I present to you here, as a 2nd chance. Having come so far, I reiterate: YOU CAN DO IT TOO - your way, leading to your life- through task fulfillment and that is what Dave and at this stage after only of few months some 35'00 real people are about in some 170 countries! They are making the change wussies hardly dare to dream of anymore! When I was young, being able to drive a car was the firstly fearful challenge, to be able to move around freely in the physical world. Now that we are about to ruin it without consideration_ii, the challenge is to remain free inside, to be able drive the internet without being sucked into the online OPTION I world which turns a blind eye to what lifefulfillment entails. Rather than become part of the zeitgeist movement driven by gurus to herd up wussies, you can become part of the solution. YOUR turnaround starts NOW with a closer look at the revolutionary_ii marketing; with you on board through your interface to the EMPOWER Network, tailor made like I did mine in a few weeks of most enjoyable work, YOU can also turn it into YOUR LifeFulfilling Platform, then at the leading edge! No longer part of the mass_i, but with you_ii, not just financially empowered, nothing stops you from using OPTION II for YOUR Life- through Task-fulfillment.
These sites are about the means
to use, when YOU have made up your mind,