Serving YOUR Life Project to get Empowered
 Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland)  [SWISS-GERMAN]

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Interact on Google+: This site was encouraged by experiencing the elite of world_i in Mannheim (Germany) from Sept. 7-9, 2012, above all Joel D. Roberts (veteran global zeitgeist coach). He was demonstrating in his mass-attractive way desperately and vividly the OPTION I spirit of the time in its careless relationship to real human beings. And that is all about pointing towards making people help each other to merely come up with opinions to the problems under OPTION I. And there no sustainable solution other than speeding up the permanently self-destructive zeitgeist, increasingly more crowded, louder and by the media, globally synchronized. And that reduces real people in their attention time which should be available for understanding each other. This leaves people in the OPTION I world with the need to reduce themselves merely to compete with each other with a language of impact. And of course those who are at the leading peak of the zeitgeist, volunteer to train people in this rat race. To be in business they need to pretending this approach is for target group's benefit, while actually it is just confining them under OPTION I in order to be able to exploit them further before the point of NO return of being oneself overrun by the next generation of gurus and trend speakers:

And that is what Sperm Herma did with his colleges in order to make them fit for the final run for the Eldorado of hitting the egg. And so on day X, when everybody seemed to have a fair chance, the racing being democratized without further need for understanding, it seemed that the run was on! And so naturally Sperma Herma led the crowd. Then he suddenly stopped in disgust and horror and turned back to his colleagues to sell them another package. But those simply greedily speeded past him and overheard his warning: "This guy is simply wanking..."

Serving others with a Support System under Option_i such as with
  %156-mass-attractive Marketing,
  +2/-4 management of what is for the common + good overcoming - stress,
  *3 competitive Performance, and an
  ?0 Image with Added Values,
generates money to get YOUR Life Project empowered, but not for anything beyond just maintaining the world_i with
political influence, money, power and fame. It is within that limitation that _i homo sapiens - timidly +2 greed and -4 fearfulf people (wussies) - are conditioned to ultimately just sacrifice themselves so that the show of the world_i can go on. Thus citizens pay their taxes and are obedient to the collective's elite, but more and more often at the cost of their lifefulfillment, or even to compensate for the failures of the elites of their homeland - seemingly for its security. Bur what will happen when such as even in the USA, already 47% in 2012 pay no income tax???

OPTION I world =================> Option_i Lifefulfilling Platforms

The pre-trans-TRAP reaction of a human system_i makes it crash upon itself in its blind pursuit of mass- attractivity, the god-like exclusive Option_i that has ruled human history since the first Pharaoh! It converges on the permanently self-destructive ZG Zeitgeist.

  • What is beneath the image of its collectives_i in the spirit of the time,

  • the stress of real people who can no longer be managed under OPTION I,

  • and what re-emerges from what still preceded cultures_i in its history such as barbarians or criminals, what is no longer %1-socially compatible,

disturbs the comfort zone of its elite. It is therefore legitimately prosecuted as a crime! But when what could transcends such a closing upon itself culture with substantial communication suggesting an opening for a solution is equally clashed and bashed down again, as are pre-crimes, such a culture is merely reducing everybody to a Darwinian social struggle for survival from being scapegoated, that is pre-trans-trapped, it becomes its own TRAP. With this pre-trans-trap category error and the resulting thinking catastrophes, you can only find peace after human catastrophes, e.g. in the graveyard. This is the way our culture_i ends up with the problem of sacrificed lifefulfillment, the solution for which it pretends to be. The global downfall began with World War I, triggered by a so-called elite who just promoted their privileges and controlling their dominance, leaving servicing lifefulfillment to the underprivileged and the required analysis for a desirable future to science_i under their control, thus inadequate and ineffective - e.g. conference about the man-made global climate, political and financial catastrophes...

OPTION II on the other hand is put down by gurus/intellectuals - formerly priests and their conditioned wussies for any intended supporting of personally relevant Life- through Task Fulfillment outside their control. And beware when you try to overcome OPTION I systems before their point of NO return to becoming self-destructive! However, just that is the ultimate service worthwhile a Life Project! It aims for and requires a critical number of people B1-5 believing (breakthrough-path-truth-life) in this pursuit with a H1-4 hope (overall order, reality, substance) justified by their X-inner substance and implementing it with their L1-3 loving engagement with the necessary L2-timely exchange of project- oriented competence up to the sufficient L3-reframing of their environment, self and other's mental operating system, towards a LifeFulfilling Platform.

Personally relevant Mental-Navi© are now available to guide you along YOUR corner-stones_ii, away from and beyond your stumbling blocks_i when you make up your mind to get


► [All-in for OPTION II] You can subscribe to receiving 7 free Emails pointing to
Your 7 potentially life changing turnkey experiences - do not attach any strings to these - face them as they are, just as a street sign is used to point in a direction. Do not get tempted to misuse signs as topics for discussing its shape and mass-attractivity, such as do intellectuals with the forms used to convey content and meaning! Whoever does the latter, is dead - all-out of lifefulfillment - part of the problem he or she pretends to be the solution for!

Serving others rather than convincing them to be sucked into serving an elite and doing the analysis for their lacking conscience should generate money. Otherwise, merely serving under OPTION I leads to self-destructive systems! They always end up in what they fights against (pre-crimes, sweat, blood and tears). To transcend and demean this undesirable world_i, find out what your ultimate service with OPTION II can and should be for YOUR (4U) Life- through Task Fulfillment! Then you can learn to §BHL own a business that works 4U rather than under the careless OPTION I, having to work for a % +/- * ? >ZG business that works for someone else's prejudice, not allowing you to use OPTION II. In the resulting sad world_i, your challenge and only chance is to create YOUR lifefulfilling legend by providing the ultimate service of §01230-sustainably, B12345-lively, H1234-substantially, L123-lovingly opening up of systems and people stuck under OPTION I - now with cracks on all its pre-trans-trapping walls such as exemplified by the Berlin Wall. With already 47% of people in the USA paying no income tax, that nation is split very tangibly as outlined by presidential candidate Mitt Romney 2012.

In fact the Mannheim event was an OPTION I junk clearance sellout until Marco Kozlowski came up with his delegation business model reducing the meaning of the OPTION I peak, which is now almost 100% in most human systems, institutions, organizations, and minds, to some sound 50% - with profit for genuine business owners using OPTION II. Similarly Martin Luther, some 500 years ago, initiated just a junk sellout in the Catholic Church_i of may be 20% and unintentionally unleashed centuries of horrible wars. His Support System for OPTION II was the Bible which he translated into the language people actually spoke. But with one leg Luther was still stuck under OPTION I and so Europe experienced the horrors of nationalisms.

The time has come now, to make OPTION II with the X-substance of those concerned operational beyond its philosophical, theological reduction to OPTION I if we do not want more centuries of human catastrophes - which now could be final ones - Syria-Iran/Israel-North Korea, China-Japan, Tschernobyl-Fukushima and worse!

Freezing - selling one's soul in a mass enthused charismatically - is contagious:
The decorative rings forming around freezing drops, like a halo, could be dismissed as pretty, but meaningless. But that would not do justice to their importance - like people's opinions in social media! The researchers at the Federal Institution of Technology in Zürich observed how adjacent drops via such halos infect each other and make them freeze - and similarly that makes people empty inside, merely amplifying the group dynamics. Drops - upon touching a halo of an already frozen one, freeze to an ice crystal: In filming this process, researchers have seen how a first drop, after contact with an already frozen ice crystal's halo, immediately starts to freeze as well from inside out and in turn forms a halo - just like people losing their integrity in an enthused mass cheering to whatever seems mass-attractive, and then marching to sacrifice their lives  for it. Through this domino effect a large surface area can quickly freeze. In the formation of glittering frost on autumn leaves, this process is nice and harmless, but not with the icing up of aircraft wings. When the latter passes through clouds - people exposed to media hypes - an array of super-cooled liquid droplets can lead to fast large-scale glaciations. And this may affect the ability to fly the aircraft severely - just as mass-psychosis brings collectives_i to the point of NO return from anarchy and chaos - such as Nazi Germany, when Goebbels, after the defeat in Stalingrad 1942/43, made a mass cheer without conscience to the rhetorical question of whether the audience wanted the total war. Then beyond this point of not return from a "reasonable" war's end, the human catastrophe toward which the OPTION I thinking catastrophes infects the world_i was surpassed. In the remaining World War II with worse damage of life and infrastructure than up to then. And these kind of human catastrophes evolve, when there is no longer a critical number of conscious and conscientious people ready for the above mentioned §BHL-transcending, ultimate service.

So how immune to OPTION I are you???

Make sure you get your Benefit!

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