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Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
My sites convey personally meaningful content 4U, not mere mass-attractive forms; please STUDY - DO - EXPERIENCE - LEARN, also the context, not prejudices from a quick glance in view of what other might think read more >>



Emergence of YOUR Life Project

This site is THE challenge to OPTION I minded people; for them nothing outside option 1 , the merely at first mass-attractive world_i may exist just as in the past Flat Earth Society, one couldn't admit that the world is a globe. Most people when thus challenged come up with the now globalized, well-known, boring set of flat excuses. Up to the end of the last century the flat paradigm_i needed to be enforced from outside against the inside with reward and punishment, but in the meantime most people have internalized the OPTION I mental virus as pre-trans-traps. What I call my GBP (Global Business Partner) has the structure of the global necessity and has emerged as a real person. So this site is the start of a joint venture with him and will be updated based on the progress we make, how and when it is needed.








Qualification >

Me, Peter Meier with X=9Pp My Global Business Partner GBP with X=8Pp


As a newborn Baby we have just an experiential memory left up to about year 2-3

TCpt>pppp: I experienced again and again how unconsciously people TC-tape/clash detach from the first approaches on my part to share a common life with me - so I have something to pt pre-away/trans-beyond strive for, conscious life together! However I realized that my obvious conclusion here clashes with the OPTION I world and that is why people p-shy away from me, afraid to also become an outcast in world_i...

TTpp>ptpt: My GBP experienced how unconsciously people turn Tp-away from his readiness to live a conscious life - so he started to focus on what it makes easier for them; and created a business support system for them so they can be in charge as owner, rather than the slave of their business. Of course the price is personal responsibility, so people who want a free lunch leave him with what they find in his fridge...


A childhood experiences


 still in unity with Time - Life - Relationships otherwise it cries out

Like 56% of all people I want to serve using proven basics beyond having to argue, and so I ended up with physics as my profession up to a Ph.D. about the inner quality of ionized atoms (comparable to real people) in a plasma (heated up collective). My life experience made me learn the hard way (divorce and losing my daughter to Option_i), that the analogous problem is not yet resolved in humanity and still treated with the thinking catastrophe of OPTION I, leading to the known human catastrophes. My vocation to solve that problem then began to shine through in my argumentation - at first by wishing to replace politicians with a computer...

My GBP also learned it the hard way to end up becoming the owner of his business and was called to thus help people in that direction too with a basic wealth formula. Especially in the degraded US-economy that is the now necessary step for a turn around after big OPTION I businesses are no longer at the leading edge of solving the problem of life- through task fulfillment - for which I have been working out the concepts since 1979, now fully operational. In short the substance shines through people when their world begins to fall apart.

  At this stage the challenge is to cope with what the Chinese call Yin =  = (providing development space - memory) and Yang ==== (activity - program). When it comes to dealing with time, I am ==== (investing), my GBP is =   = (testing), in terms of life, we are both =  = (denying anything that is not lifefulfilling) having learnt the hard way that false tolerance does not serve anybody. In our relationships we are both ==== (idealists), me striving to disseminate the so far missing science, Applied Personal Science APS®, to finally allow understanding of real human systems, while my GBP, supports people in owning their business and in focusing on what they love to do, that which they are best at in accordance with their substance. So my GBP has become most helpful to help his partners enough money to make a difference - towards OPTION II - in our time!




By playing with things, children learn to discern subjective/objective

I am obviously creative about system design; I leant it in physics, confronted with a double diaphragm shock tube which can reproduce re-entry conditions like a wind tunnel, but at Mach 40 and 30'000 degrees. What was taught in my study courses did not allow me to under-stand what happened when the 'bang' in a cannon barrel was actually happening, nor was there any book describing it. So I did my experiments and became "pregnant" for three month until the penny dropped and I was able to conceptualize the synthesis outline above.

Similarly my GBP roller-coastered through the business world, always aiming at the best and the top people until he found the basic wealth formula in order to tame business for the benefit of its owners. With his solution he trains as many people as possible to become owners of their business. And this is the precondition for a turn around in the stagnating economy; organizing and networking to make the best usage of the available human resources, streamlined them into breakthrough teams.

  In this way, we are both Pp=preparing a Processes for a turn-around beyond the world_i, from which we have indeed experienced enough to have learnt our lesson! I was challenged to bring my value of life- through taskfulfillment into this world_i, which is simply streamlined by "anything goes" which is mass-attractive, that is under OPTION I. Since that world_i, after 5000 years of human catastrophes, is now globally at its wits end, the time has come for the inner alternative, OPTION II, to be disseminated - hopefully to a critical number of real people before the point of NO return. In short, the time of Cinderella (as owner of her life) has come together with the prince (personally relevant principle of lifefulfillment) beyond all the OPTION I system wardens and its wussie followers; even at the abyss, stumbling a step further.

My GBP is Pp-preparing a proces for his clients to learn to tame the still unleashed beast of business after the USA was predominant in opening the Pandora's box for anything goes - up to global destruction, from inside out, the balance between M=manipulation know-how and O=orientation now largely out of kilter. Thus my GBP is aiming at tangibly bringing the resulting M/O>1 = distress, back to a creative eustress by tuning the outer options by delegation with the inner tangible goal of generating the money for a breakthrough to allow OPTION II, life- through task-fulfillment rather than becoming the slave of earning money.






School teaches people the OPTION I systems...

I am qualified for system design; everything I write here is based on my Mental Navi© and that of my GBP just like an engineer applies physics, though in this context I do this with personally relevant concepts in the world_i, which so far has just exclusively allowed the cultivation of 1) measuring things (content-free, number based science of nature), 2) judging that against a norm (personally-neutral wordy humanities), and 3) forming them at will (anything goes art). Obviously not even an interdisciplinary mix of these 3 faculties of science_i can do justice to real human systems, therefore I was challenged to work out science_ii, founded as Applied Personal Science APS® in 1979. APS is now fully operational and tested in all sorts of cultures, with all sorts of real humans, but still not widely enough applied. That is where my GBP comes in with his approach to tangibly and professionally personalizing Empower Networks, beyond the best general one in affiliate marketing.

My GBP has qualified in taming systems to benefit their their owners, rather than degrading them to remainder functions, which will eventually be outsourced. The businesses with a future require more than their owner can make, even if the owner has all the now awesome technology available. That is where my GBP comes in, after he had realized that one cannot reduce people to remainder functions without damaging their lives, but rather needs their substance, just as our bodies need us, their owners, and people to lovingly live with. And this in a world_i which daydreams about bio-engineering humans into cyborgs, and eventually outsourcing them to robots. So the science fiction writer, Isaac Asimove came to the conclusion that humans need to be mastered by robots for humans cannot prevent themselves destroying everything. Poor guy, Asimove accepted the OPTION I limitation under which his premise as a science fiction writer is indeed correct, and robots remain our only, though illusionary hope...

  Systems are the tools to cope with one's life time with the basic nine function F1-9 of any human system. Each of us has one as his innate ability, using the other 8 as support systems. So I myself, based on my substance, which I have amply displayed here for you to understand, if you are not pre-trans-trapped under OPTION I, or pre-trans-trap others into your hidden agenda, am 9Pp. My GBP in APS terms, is 8Pp. This means that based on applying my innate function F9, I work out the basics so I am qualified to Pp, preparing the process for a turnaround - in the mental operating systems of real people, making OPTION II available to them, so the can be part of the solution of overcoming the pre-trans-trapping world_i - before the point of NO return of them getting sucked in. Like on the sinking Titanic, my GBP is testing out the teams and resources, denying what has no future for the function F8's necessary salvage operation of people's substance, so that by making use of OPTION II, they can contribute with their personally relevant business towards a desirable future.

At this stage APS works with 1728 life- and task fulfillment principles to overcome the undue cultivated generalizations and prejudices about real people, their relationships, organizations and cultures. These thinking catastrophes are now dangerously internalized and closing people's substance up, thereby becoming self-destructive systems; as soch with no desirable future! System wardens_i react to this fact by saying things like: "But I still want to have fun... I am afraid of your physics...", and by rhetorically asking the crowd, like Hitler, whether they still want to hear this complicated stuff, thus ignoring, ridiculing, fighting off any content_ii, so even threatend me, displaying their utter impotence to still deal with content and its meaning. Conditioned to simply reacting to mass-attractivity of forms, kids are confined under OPTION I, having lost themselves, lacking even language competence let alone understanding what is relevant to their life fulfillment. Meanwhile the few kids who still open up from inside out are pre-trans-trapped by the still prevailing education system_i. Actually a philosophical expert (Prof. Precht) and one in brain research (Prof. Hüther) agreed on the German TV, ZDF on Sept. 2, 2012: "Germany will not exist anymore in six years as we know it, if the school system is not radically changed, for it degrades human creativity! But they obviously lack the understanding of OPTION II, in favor of their science_i, similar to the politicians in view of the disintegrated former East-Germany. So nowadays the "Berlin Wall" to be cracked is the pre-trans-trap in most heads.









Here we are in the realm of homo sapiens sapiens; real human beings who do not just know about things_i but also about them-selves_ii. Among others, APS produces the parameters for the Mental Navi© to the far left, mine, to the left, those of my GBP. The applied research since 1979 has resulted in a program, which by entering the X-life principle, here of my GBP, 8Pp, produces the table shown here. With such as (+2) the temptations of OPTION I and are depicted and how the suck and debilitate, e.g. +2 greed, %5 manipilation and then %6=trendy projections and hypes at the X-substantial level of B5=life where my GBP substance, X=8Pp, as for my X=9Pp, is. His first temptation is on B2, where +2 (greed for more of the same) can throw him out of b-balance in his function F7=influence on the Om=multiplication of objectives, say in business. Green stands for quantitative considerations, red for wordy, political ones, pink for formal appearance, and blue for personally relevant matters. This is just to indicate what the parameters entail, say the so-called freak factor B2+<H1-, -4 stress about the mass H1-hope, which presses on my GBP to look for a +2 rewarding B2-breakthrough, and much more. It is only after a corresponding, experiential workshop with some 10 people where participants get the full impact of what all this means to their lives. Obviously my GBP strives for his highest potential L3, to reframe his h=living space up to wanting to have lifefulfilling forms and systems at his service.

  So in order to be able to facilitate his partners for a transition from the so far possible_i, up to meeting my GBP, seemingly impossible_ii, he Bp prepares the Boundary conditions for delegation based on substance_ii, so that F8=the function to perform what is necessary for synergy, can be performed beyond any OPTION I pre-trans-traps still lurking around in world_i...








  My ignition sequence is 1Kd-3D-6, that of my GBP 1Kh-3D-2; we both want and thus argue for 1=serving with the basics about delivering quantity, as do 56% of all people. For that purpose we are both creative (K), me in system design, my GBP in taming (h) relevant systems for owners. Also our conscience is concerned with what is personally relevant (3) as are 23% of all people's conscience. Yet this kind of knowledge work is not publically organized, in fact it is the blind spot and the stumbling block of science_i! And that explains why its thinking catastrophe_i could produce the known human catastrophes of sacrificing real human beings - in the last century this has been worse than ever before and glorified by more intellectuals than ever as well. It started with the pharaohs who already managed to present their defeats as victories with infotainments on all temple walls - then in vivid colors. So the people could be made working and bleeding for them. Then they had priests, today the equivalent are the spin doctors serving the rulers, so they can enslave and suck the masses.

Apart from our d/h difference in dealing with systems, we are different in what we qualify for using our D=definition power consciously. I need to qualify for what is 6=very good and that can only be the innate, non man-made substance of people, which needs to be understood as outlined here. Needless to say that is not popular the "anything goes world". My GBP qualifies in view of handling and improving what is 2=bad, so it does not degrade to a 1=very bad state, that can hardly be improved anymore. And that is also not popular, for people_i do not want to be stirred up in their pre-trans-trap; the rather wait until the Titanic hits the iceberg and even then, they speak of an accident or ask for a scapegoat...

Please note, none of the parameters entail any value judgment whatsoever, their form refers to some more or less established systems_i, or were chosen for mnemonic reasons, just like in physics. However, they do not refer to something like F=force in Physics that can be measured, or like words you can argue about and with. They rather point to open-ended generative principles that need to be understood and considered, and that requires real human being making use of OPTION II. So the above is all about providing a Service System for OPTION II (SSO), without which we cannot master this century! And that drew me with my 9Pp substance to found to the so far missing and pre-trans-trapped science_ii and make it operationally available as outlined here! Similarly based on his 8Pp substance, my GBP was driven to address the global necessity for reframing business so it can become again a blessing rather than the wide-spread curse it has developed into, lacking OPTION II minded people. Since 1968 the innately self-destructive dynamic_i has overcome the then polarized world, and now it is globalized as never before. In the past its closure was more local and so "the Phoenix" such as the devastate Germany after the World Wars, could rise out of its bloody ashes again and again - apart from all the disappeared cultures and meanwhile half the life forms on Earth. But in each OPTION I cycle more and more Pandora's boxes were opened carelessly from the elite_i with its dominating teenager mind sets under OPTION I - now increasingly faster. And that sucks people under OPTION I, also referred to as the devil, to instrumentalize the masses so that the OPTION I show can go on rising out of its ashes up to the final one-time game or experiment. That is why the time for OPTION II has come and that requires what I have proposed here in terms of synergy between my and my GBP! If he is not a real person, stuck in OPTION I, he will B2+<H1- freak out over this challenge, if not, guess what will be made possible!

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