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Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
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The m-GPS to catching up with the mess...


Often it is only after people get through something on a physical level, that they consider, or are forced to reinvent their former, messed up life. However, at first they try to go on with business as usual, but then, the need arises to adjust priorities, say after an operation, or a serious loss.

We all get plenty of feedback which in essence often indicate that most people do not want to commit with OPTION II, and rather be other-, than self-determined.


And that OPTION I attitude allows people as sheeple to be conditioned to procrastinate with fulfilling their tasks, let alone L3-reframing their lives, when it becomes urgent. My wife had the brilliant idea to sum up each other’s life in phases of 5 years. Doing so with her, I realized, that what we experienced, got awakened, and tempted, corresponds to the Mental-Navi©. Then it became apparent, that each of us has unresolved issues, which can block any openness for OPTION II, as the world_i and its wardens try to inhibit so their show with sheeple can go on, undisturbed by real people's life- through task-fulfillment

So here is the example of my stumbling blocks that when I fall for them, my life gets messed up; in the form my inverted i-GPS, as my  m-GPS  messy Growth-Potential-System models correctly as follows:


    %-OTHERS   [+/-FREAK]    *?-EGO    
  %1  %5  %6     -4      +2      *3        ?0  
h: f-B1 !-L2 f-B1  [b-L1 b-L1 ] S-B2 / S-B2


The mess is evoked by caring more for the OTHERS than self, say helping them to just make business. Then I no longer f-feel what to B1-believe and am cut off from my substance which allows me to focus on the !-essential L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence. Then all my considerations for others do not do any good whatsoever to anybody! And just trying to become %1-politically correct, requires to %5-manipulating self and others to appear socially compatible to be able to %6-project an opinion among those of others. This way I would betray my h-living space, the need for which awoke up at my age up to 5 to then §1-express my §2-purpose up to age 10 with addressing the y-minimal requirement for not getting sucked into %1. And then, up to age 15, my §3-integrity made me strive for not getting undermined and inhibit the kind of §0-sustainable life I worked for up to age 20 for getting a profession as a basis to live my vocation. In my 19th year is had to go to the army to do my bit for Switzerland so its integrity could be preserved. In fact the first 4 live periods till 20 are unique for the 144 possible input / internal state live principles. Thus differentiated sufficiently it makes sense to declare people at 20 as mature. These different awakening and the follow up of the overall 16 stage up to 5*16=80 years old, also explain why relationships fall apart when people get stuck, up to getting traumatized, or even fall back, seduced, in their development phases, and when mutual understanding is not sufficiently present.


Children up to 5 years old on the other hand get on easier with each other because they are less differentiated than grown ups, meaning some of the 144 possible different beings start off with awakening in what becomes their §1-lifelong dream in the same one out of 16 inner resources:

  • 10.4% who get awakened either in !-being essential, or J-self-justifying, or
    R-resolute, 5 times less,

  • 9.7% who get awakened either with v-values, or in their h-living space (me with 9Pp together with those with  life principles of 2Bp, 3Pe, 4Bw, 6Bp, 6Be, and 6Oe) 7 times less,

  • 22.2% who get awakened either b-balanced, or t-thinking, or with a M-maximal perspective, or with a y-minimum 8 times less,

  • 20.8% who get awakened either a-intuitive, or with putting forth their c-profile as appearance, or are S-relaxed 10 times less

  • 16.7% who get awakened either in their f-feeling, with I-concepts
    12 times less,

  • 9.0% who get awakened with their p=perception 13 times less, and

  • 11.1% who get awakened in their X-being 16 times less - with a corresponding increased tendency to become an infantile %-groupie who end up messing up everything...

If I had lost my initial h-dream selling my §1-aspect of my soul in order to freak out like others with illusionary ego-boosts, I would no longer be in a position to do what I really LIKE, to b-balance my being L1-loveable with that of others lovingly. Then I would FREAK OUT in view of a messed up loveless life. And this is no theory; I was there in 1986! Then, 10 years after my divorce in a marriage where the love of my wife faded away into and under OPTION I, and having worked for my home country Switzerland,  I freaked out into exile to Australia for almost two years! I then felt that my home country was getting back under OPTION I, its elite ignorant of its shameful bloody lesson it got from Napoleon 1798-1815. That is the kind of mess a non-understanding world leave you with! So do not wonder if most people end up supporting each other out of a messed life, to going on messing up resources and the environment!


This makes people's EGO react in desperation; some now whishing for the world to end on Dec. 21, 2012, a wave of suicides expected when waking up disappointed on Dec. 22. In my case such an attitude_i would disabling me from a S-relaxing B2-breakthrough, the onset to the above mentioned b-L1. And so uprooted, people are left in the rat race of the opinionating world_i in which they become other-determined; beggars begging each other for sympathy until they give up in desperation. In that state of simply aiming for mass-attractivity under OPTION I, sheeple hate everyone who is still self-determined to still "feel" some live. That provides the basics for a politics of fear with its grandmaster Adolf Hitler. That creates she(e)pople trying to suck back to under OPTION I anybody who considers OPTION II, mutually inhibiting it with their mono-political pre-trans-trapping madness, intellectually embellished as "Christian-humanist-socialist" culture, in fact the greatest possible Moloch of destroying lifefulfillment! In the last century it culminated in the mad attempt to bring forth an new race with industrialized mass-murder, a madness not yet overcome, now far more subtly executed on a global scale with no figure head on top anymore. It works via mental viruses_i planted already in most heads ready to be triggered for any God-damned mess, say smoking which in one year kills more sheeple than Hitler gassed Jews on the whole, said to be good for economy and the pension schemes. In fact that is the benchmark and the prototype to screw people as was the Inquisition in the Dark Ages...

Knowing this kind of the personal m-GPS provides a chance to catch up with what you have, socially induced as a victim, or consciously as a perpetrator, messed up in your life – haven’t we all…


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