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Dr. Peter Meier, i-GPS©, Zürich (Switzerland),
My sites convey personally meaningful content 4U, not mere mass-attractive forms; please STUDY - DO - EXPERIENCE - LEARN, also the context, not prejudices from a quick glance in view of what other might think read more >>


Framing YOUR e-GPS Business with YOUR i-GPS©


When you get your so far promoted business under H2>H3 control, tuned into the H2-higher order towards helping your clients with a better way to deal with certain H3-realities, you have to consider other people's criticisms, competition, and even mean attacks from to the non-understanding world_i. Those people_i will try to suck you on your own OPTION I modes (?0-illusions, +2 more of the same, greed, -4 fear of loss, %1-political correctness, temptation to %5-manipulate, and %6-projecting ideologies, simplifications, lies and so on to hide your agenda). Typically this begins with claiming to not understand you because you challenge them personally beyond OPTION I towards H2, just as did Galileo Galilee the Pope's usurped pre- trans-trapping claim for supremacy_i.


Under option_ii it is %1 only to be publically switched on to utter opinions about Bm-the boundary conditions sufficiently multiplied to get the necessary Attention to try to get rise Interest in your Desire for Action to do something to Bm=multiply your opinions as suggestions for desired Boundary conditions. For that purpose 56% of all people aim for a quantitative#1, 33% for a qualitative wordy#2, and 11% for a aesthetical improvement#0 based on content-free basic#1, personally-neutral political#2 systems, or for a better anything mass-attractive-goes arty#0 image, performance, event. For the implementation of such public arguments, there is either the K=creative, or the E=evolutionary approach towards either d=system design, or h=mastery of an adequate system. And that only with the non-assuming part of the "therapy gene" (TG1) on one of the 16 ethical level as a merely suggesting proposition, leaving it open for discussions.


In my 9Pp-case of preparing F9-basic, personally-relevant Processes, that is on §1-appealing for my right to express what is essential to me in terms of basics#1 - as I do it here towards the Pe=process to be established, to allow a business owners to frame his e-GPS in tune with with his or her i-GPS (Internal Growth-Potential-System he or she is - with the corresponding parameters for External economic Growth Growth-Potential-System):





TG2-with substance


TG1-with moral



-pblically organized science SO2-persoanal conscience

Thus at the promoter stage I go T-inside a situation, trapped until I get in touch with my basics about its, in my early professional onset as a Physicist. But when I though I had my act together in promoting my position with physics in the world as a real human being and tried to control my life from a position as a successful physicist, I experienced Clashes with OPTION I minded people, both privately (divorce) and on the job (getting mobbed for challenging my boss to understand the meaning of my successful work). So in my F2-work in my job space, I had to take the F8-necessary steps to secure my h-living/§1-expression space. I secured it and myself, by founding my own business in 1979, dedicated to the missing science for this kind of problems, Applied Personal Science APS®. By now it has become operational to allow the kind of 9Pp solutions presented her, congruent with my 9Pp-life-principle. At this stage I was still merely driven by what I call the despot-urge, for me, yh, of working out the y=minimal and thereby non-negotiable necessity in my h=living space. However, some people prefer to try to ignore it and then learn it the hard way, trapped objectively, demonizing the control-, and mystifying the supporter-capability leaving a blind spot for analysis...


And so support systems towards LifeFulfilling Platforms have become possible by p-positioning oneself outside OPTION I and making self-determined use of OPTION II with the relevant i-GPS - no longer an OPTION I sheeple persoan in a self-destructive mob. In view of all the inhibitions to do the obvious_ii, a through analysis is required that transcend simple zeitgeist approaches such promoted from the highly paid trend speakers like former US-president Bill Clinton who argues for 1) phones for freedom, 2) healthy communities, 3) green energy for good business, 4) women rule, and 5) the fight for the future to be now...


The above four quadrants contain the core of the up-to-date business model as outlined by Marco Kozlowski, above, formatted with my i-GPS and thereby with a desirable future. It shows what I should not have to 2=do, multiply Communication as a promoter (marketing - arguing), Objectivs as a controller (deal and match making with sheeple), and having to establish Objectivs as an analyzer (accounting, directing) and as supporter (delivery of what can be automated or delegated), and as the latter, Communication (about feedback and customer relationship). Only then am I sufficiently free to fulfilling my core competence as an 9Pp business owner preparing the Processes required to give sufficient meaning to the F9 basics (identifying, modeling and parameterizing real human systems with an i-GPS relevant to the task fulfillment of participants as I did it in terms of making the up-to-date e-GPS lifefulfilling with the above matrix).


And what do greedy and fearful sheeple_i do? They try to make others outsource their non-understood core competence and force them into their OPTION I modes, where they can be sucked! And then they wonder, when in the end, nobody does anything anymore with substance! So people become reduced to uplifted ghosts (such as Michael Jackson & Co.) with a great e-GPS OPTION I image, turning the world into a pre-trans-trapping concentration camps. In them all become sheeple, Cm/Bm-propagating their ?0-illusions as solutions for the problems they are part of. That is what happens with people who lack an appropriate i-GPS; they merely compete for attention in the ZG-zeitgeist, beggars begging beggars for it, workaholic addicts, stack in their promoter phase like babies in nappies... 


By the way, the above model does justice to human history as follows:

human survival spreading from Africa; our origin; we all stem from one mother (based on DNA research) whose successors left their ?0>ZG marks and bones, as we trying to be socially compatible, now all over the planet with (1,1) in terms of (SO,TG), provoking protective communities, otherwise in misery...



Empire Building#2 by despots with (1,2) who managed to control their TG2 with +2 more of the same at -4 less stress for themselves at the cost of their subdues. They managed to protect their positions with conquering, burning down the enemy's and enslaving the survivors of bloody battles and massacres. It began with the Assyrians up to the world wars, provoking globalization as the only way out of this mono-political madness in which despots freak out with the Herod's syndrome, pre-trans-trapping necessary solutions beyond their forms. In an empire, society becomes a survival ground, where people are of little significance other than that of slaves, soldiers, now consumers and tourists as walking 1000 $ notes as a Turkish travel guide put it, and then those wooing for power over sheeple and intellectuals criticizing each other all under the spell of social Darwinian survival, at the peak at the leading edge, the despot under who empire rise and fell such under Caesar ...



Globalization#0 is based on supporting %-mass-attractive trade having SO2 activated as entre-preneurs (2,1) beginning with the Phoenicians, based on their %1-alphabet, written rule based %5-manipulating practices under a %6-corresponding capitalist, in the end self-destructive ideology_i. Nowadays people are thus reduced to mass-manipulated consumers. And that asks for a turnaround from sublimating the thinking catastrophe_i, towards using OPTION II to be all-in, hopefully before the point of NO return of the human catastrophes now on all walls, leaving sheeple in insecurity and uncertainty, despite all the studious scribes and intellectuals, more confused than ever like at the time of the Tower of Babel. But then under one God and one rule, slowly people began to matter; first as martyrs both among Christians and Moslems where before they were sacrificed to appease the Gods. And so competitions for souls began in spiritual revolutions up to today's marketing, now for people's money under the rule of Mammon as predicted in the Bible. Thus the world was reframed under the ultimate power_i of sword and word synchronized, first be the first "Christian" Roma Emperor, then by Mohammed, and as a reaction by Pope Urban II, later the Spanish plunderers for gold an silver with conquest, religion and slavery, financing 125 year of religious wars between Catholics and Protestants with 11 Million slaughtered in battles and a few millions with tortures up to the stake, then by  Napoleon, Stalin, Hitler, Mao & Co., and last but not least, oily wars to secure the US Oil Empire with its infotaining and crisis evoking casino capitalism. So in the name of helping people, a despot society emerges where everybody limits everybody else in fear of being caught and singled as an outsider. We are now living under a reinvented media communism, sheeple flooded with helping offers disguising the intention to suck them, just like in "the wolf and the seven goats". In short, supporters suffer from the "Parrot Syndrome" (open to everything, attached to nothing), that's when someone repeats something they hear - with the intention of 'looking good' with it - but in the end it only makes them feel bad (for lying)...and look bad (because people are not dumb, and they know a lie when they hear one). So at this stage 3, the aim of the game is to lie smart and teach others to do so for good money; it's called rhetoric with charisma...


The above three phases of human history up to now are based on OPTION I; mass-attractivity towards the zeitgeist as the measure for everything! Each of the phase 1-3 has come to a point of NO return, 1) mere survival by population explosions of nomads settling in towns causing diseases up to the plague in danger, 2) empires decaying such as described in Daniel in the Old Testament due to the corruption of the despots and their closed, personally-neutral systems. And since OPTION I based systems are self-destructive, 3) globalization has lead to the know financial and system crisis which are threatening human survival on Earth by the level of the present consumer mentality. In short the time has come for


LifeFulfilling Platforms#3 require a critical number of real human beings coming up with an (2,2) capability for an analysis of why and what they are here for, and then take responsibility for their life- through task-fulfillment no longer outsourcing TG2 to despots and SO2 to OPTION I limited systems, but rather strive for LifeFulfilling Platforms on which participants are empowered to interface with the parameters of their own (2,2) life-principles as outlined above with the e-GPS framed by the i-GPS - the necessary business core of their personal Mental-Navi©. Thus in an analyzers society the collective becomes a support system up to a LifeFulfilling Platform for people to fulfill their lives, among others as business owners. It's threats are mental "anything goes" nomads just as heaven's threat was Lucifer who stepped out of the divine order in jealousy of it's Creator. Since then he has been busy with seducing weak souls to reinvent human evolution (1-4) all over and keep people as sheeple contained under OPTION I...


These 4 steps are the mental evolution of mankind; you need to go through them in YOUR personally relevant way to fulfill your life, just as you went through the biological evolution from conception to birth...


Conclusion: Despots pre-trans-trap in order to secure their SO2 advantage in their usurped positions (2) at the cost of sheeple thus reduced to mere survival (1). Sheeple are other-determined by despots, in the antiquity, slaves, in modern times, jobbers in an now dwindling job market. Herded up to target groups in the now global helper world (3) like sheep, sheeple bleat just like sheep, merely %1-political correct, %5-manipulating each other to be socially compatible, unaware of thus following the %6-ideologies of despots to support their hidden agenda. This is achieved by controlling their freak factor, e.g. by creating artificial needs and keeping the natural ones suppressed to make them +2 greedy for the money for consuming what promises to satisfy them, and then leaving them in -4 fear to be outsourced by the zeitgeist. Such is how the despots, pretending to be the elite, divide real human beings, above all themselves, from their innate substance to rule over them. Thus between the devil and the deep blue sea, sheeple refuse to understand for to realize their state would be too shameful. And so they rather pre-trans-trap any information and any mention of OPTION II that could lead to a better H2-order beyond the despot's OPTION I. In that way other-determined sheeple are useful idiots, hangmen for the despots subtle pre-trans-traps. The latter are then just left to organize the big and brutal clashes where their monopoly of power is required such as in forceful outsourcing, locking up and executing dangerous enemies and competitors up to war making, to allow the show_i (1-3) to go on at all cost. For that purpose the collapse of U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers four years ago triggered a global financial crisis. And that has caused a crisis in the world view of many economists's believe that free markets regulate themselves best, while in fact they are self-destructive with sufficient sheeple just like demo-crazy. Such realizations make now even universities that see themselves as places of free thought and pure science, loose their authority to denounce others as ideologues. Now it has become apparent that under their guise of science, professors spread zeitgeist_i heresies and inhibit solution just as despots do, just as the church's inquisition did and still covers it up.


In short, the so far cultivated sciences#1,2,0 are not sufficient for the now urgently required transition from globalization of external objects (infrastructure), nicely designed products and personally-neutral services (3) to LifeFulfilling Platforms, stage (4) in human history. It requires science#3 (Applied Personal Science APS®) for personally relevant i-GPS. An ordinary GPS allows a stress free driving in the outer world, only an i-GPS allows a stress-free ownership of a lifefulfilling business. So I hope you do not compare or judge phase 4's OPTION II of human history with anything in phase 1-3 under OPTION I; you would just sucked back into not understanding anything, a mere homo sapiens...


Friends are those who understand and follow-up when others turn away...

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